Search Results for author: Junjie Cao

Found 22 papers, 4 papers with code

Comparing Knowledge-Intensive and Data-Intensive Models for English Resource Semantic Parsing

no code implementations CL (ACL) 2021 Junjie Cao, Zi Lin, Weiwei Sun, Xiaojun Wan

Abstract In this work, we present a phenomenon-oriented comparative analysis of the two dominant approaches in English Resource Semantic (ERS) parsing: classic, knowledge-intensive and neural, data-intensive models.

Semantic Parsing

DMNR: Unsupervised De-noising of Point Clouds Corrupted by Airborne Particles

no code implementations10 May 2023 Chu Chen, Yanqi Ma, Bingcheng Dong, Junjie Cao

However, airborne particles, such as fog, rain, snow, and dust, will degrade its performance and it is inevitable to encounter these inclement environmental conditions outdoors.

Autonomous Driving Semantic Segmentation

Multi-Sample Consensus Driven Unsupervised Normal Estimation for 3D Point Clouds

no code implementations10 Apr 2023 Jie Zhang, Minghui Nie, Junjie Cao, Jian Liu, Ligang Liu

Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the two proposed unsupervised methods are noticeably superior to some supervised deep normal estimators on the most common synthetic dataset.

Pose-Controllable 3D Facial Animation Synthesis using Hierarchical Audio-Vertex Attention

no code implementations24 Feb 2023 Bin Liu, Xiaolin Wei, Bo Li, Junjie Cao, Yu-Kun Lai

In this paper, a novel pose-controllable 3D facial animation synthesis method is proposed by utilizing hierarchical audio-vertex attention.

Attribute Face Model

Entity Relation Extraction as Dependency Parsing in Visually Rich Documents

no code implementations EMNLP 2021 Yue Zhang, Bo Zhang, Rui Wang, Junjie Cao, Chen Li, Zuyi Bao

Previous works on key information extraction from visually rich documents (VRDs) mainly focus on labeling the text within each bounding box (i. e., semantic entity), while the relations in-between are largely unexplored.

Dependency Parsing Entity Linking +3

Singlino-dominated dark matter in general NMSSM

no code implementations10 Feb 2021 Junjie Cao, Demin Li, Jingwei Lian, Yuanfang Yue, Haijing Zhou

Under such a theoretical structure, the DM achieves the correct abundance by annihilating into a pair of singlet-dominated Higgs bosons by adjusting $\kappa$'s value.

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

Singlino-dominated dark matter in $Z_3$-NMSSM

no code implementations10 Feb 2021 Haijing Zhou, Junjie Cao, Jingwei Lian, Di Zhang

Approximate analytical formulas describing the dark matter abundance and cross section in the scattering with nucleons are used to illustrate a dependence on theoretical parameters in neutralino and Higgs sectors.

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

HILONet: Hierarchical Imitation Learning from Non-Aligned Observations

no code implementations5 Nov 2020 Shanqi Liu, Junjie Cao, Wenzhou Chen, Licheng Wen, Yong liu

In this work, we propose a new imitation learning approach called Hierarchical Imitation Learning from Observation(HILONet), which adopts a hierarchical structure to choose feasible sub-goals from demonstrated observations dynamically.

Imitation Learning Position

SMPR: Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Regression

1 code implementation28 Jun 2020 Junqi Lin, Huixin Miao, Junjie Cao, Zhixun Su, Risheng Liu

Existing multi-person pose estimators can be roughly divided into two-stage approaches (top-down and bottom-up approaches) and one-stage approaches.

Multi-Person Pose Estimation regression

A Comparative Analysis of Knowledge-Intensive and Data-Intensive Semantic Parsers

no code implementations4 Jul 2019 Junjie Cao, Zi Lin, Weiwei Sun, Xiaojun Wan

We present a phenomenon-oriented comparative analysis of the two dominant approaches in task-independent semantic parsing: classic, knowledge-intensive and neural, data-intensive models.

Semantic Parsing

Multi-Normal Estimation via Pair Consistency Voting

1 code implementation1 Apr 2019 Jie Zhang, Junjie Cao, Xiuping Liu, He Chen, Bo Li, Ligang Liu

This paper presents a unified definition for point cloud normals of feature and non-feature points, which allows feature points to possess multiple normals.

Surface Normals Estimation from Point Clouds

Quasi-Second-Order Parsing for 1-Endpoint-Crossing, Pagenumber-2 Graphs

no code implementations EMNLP 2017 Junjie Cao, Sheng Huang, Weiwei Sun, Xiaojun Wan

We propose a new Maximum Subgraph algorithm for first-order parsing to 1-endpoint-crossing, pagenumber-2 graphs.

ARC Dependency Parsing

Semantic Dependency Parsing via Book Embedding

no code implementations ACL 2017 Weiwei Sun, Junjie Cao, Xiaojun Wan

We model a dependency graph as a book, a particular kind of topological space, for semantic dependency parsing.

Combinatorial Optimization Dependency Parsing +2

Adaptive Partial Differential Equation Learning for Visual Saliency Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2014 Risheng Liu, Junjie Cao, Zhouchen Lin, Shiguang Shan

Then by optimizing a discrete submodular function constrained with this LESD and a uniform matroid, the saliency seeds (i. e., boundary conditions) can be learnt for this image, thus achieving an optimal PDE system to model the evolution of visual saliency.

Saliency Detection

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