Search Results for author: Junjie Shan

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

Geminio: Language-Guided Gradient Inversion Attacks in Federated Learning

1 code implementation22 Nov 2024 Junjie Shan, Ziqi Zhao, Jialin Lu, Rui Zhang, Siu Ming Yiu, Ka-Ho Chow

This is achieved by leveraging a pretrained VLM to guide the optimization of a malicious global model that, when shared with and optimized by a victim, retains only gradients of samples that match the attacker-specified query.

Federated Learning

AnywhereDoor: Multi-Target Backdoor Attacks on Object Detection

no code implementations21 Nov 2024 Jialin Lu, Junjie Shan, Ziqi Zhao, Ka-Ho Chow

Extensive experiments demonstrate that AnywhereDoor provides attackers with a high degree of control, achieving an attack success rate improvement of nearly 80% compared to adaptations of existing methods for such flexible control.

Backdoor Attack Disentanglement +3

BioKGBench: A Knowledge Graph Checking Benchmark of AI Agent for Biomedical Science

1 code implementation29 Jun 2024 Xinna Lin, Siqi Ma, Junjie Shan, Xiaojing Zhang, Shell Xu Hu, Tiannan Guo, Stan Z. Li, Kaicheng Yu

On the widely used popular knowledge graph, we discover over 90 factual errors which provide scenarios for agents to make discoveries and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

AI Agent Claim Verification +4

CausalAPM: Generalizable Literal Disentanglement for NLU Debiasing

no code implementations4 May 2023 Songyang Gao, Shihan Dou, Junjie Shan, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

Dataset bias, i. e., the over-reliance on dataset-specific literal heuristics, is getting increasing attention for its detrimental effect on the generalization ability of NLU models.

Causal Inference Disentanglement +2

Decorrelate Irrelevant, Purify Relevant: Overcome Textual Spurious Correlations from a Feature Perspective

2 code implementations COLING 2022 Shihan Dou, Rui Zheng, Ting Wu, Songyang Gao, Junjie Shan, Qi Zhang, Yueming Wu, Xuanjing Huang

Most of the existing debiasing methods often identify and weaken these samples with biased features (i. e., superficial surface features that cause such spurious correlations).

Fact Verification Natural Language Inference +1

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