Search Results for author: Junwei Lu

Found 24 papers, 3 papers with code

Computational and Statistical Tradeoffs in Inferring Combinatorial Structures of Ising Model

no code implementations ICML 2020 Ying Jin, Zhaoran Wang, Junwei Lu

We study the computational and statistical tradeoffs in inferring combinatorial structures of high dimensional simple zero-field ferromagnetic Ising model.


Inference of Dependency Knowledge Graph for Electronic Health Records

no code implementations25 Dec 2023 Zhiwei Xu, Ziming Gan, Doudou Zhou, Shuting Shen, Junwei Lu, Tianxi Cai

The effective analysis of high-dimensional Electronic Health Record (EHR) data, with substantial potential for healthcare research, presents notable methodological challenges.

feature selection

Nonparametric Additive Value Functions: Interpretable Reinforcement Learning with an Application to Surgical Recovery

no code implementations25 Aug 2023 Patrick Emedom-Nnamdi, Timothy R. Smith, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Junwei Lu

Under this approach, we are able to locally approximate the action-value function and retrieve the nonlinear, independent contribution of select features as well as joint feature pairs.

Clinical Knowledge reinforcement-learning

Knowledge Graph Embedding with Electronic Health Records Data via Latent Graphical Block Model

no code implementations31 May 2023 Junwei Lu, Jin Yin, Tianxi Cai

To overcome these challenges, we propose to infer the conditional dependency structure among EHR features via a latent graphical block model (LGBM).

Knowledge Graph Embedding

Lagrangian Inference for Ranking Problems

no code implementations1 Oct 2021 Yue Liu, Ethan X. Fang, Junwei Lu

Our proposed method aims to infer general ranking properties of the BTL model.

Uncertainty Quantification

Multi-source Learning via Completion of Block-wise Overlapping Noisy Matrices

no code implementations21 May 2021 Doudou Zhou, Tianxi Cai, Junwei Lu

Besides, we prove the statistical rate for the eigenspace of the underlying matrix, which is comparable to the rate under the independently missing assumption.

Electrical Engineering Knowledge Graphs +2

Heteroskedastic and Imbalanced Deep Learning with Adaptive Regularization

1 code implementation ICLR 2021 Kaidi Cao, Yining Chen, Junwei Lu, Nikos Arechiga, Adrien Gaidon, Tengyu Ma

Real-world large-scale datasets are heteroskedastic and imbalanced -- labels have varying levels of uncertainty and label distributions are long-tailed.

Image Classification

Expert-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Offline Policy Learning and Evaluation

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Aaron Sonabend-W, Junwei Lu, Leo A. Celi, Tianxi Cai, Peter Szolovits

However, the adoption of such policies in practice is often challenging, as they are hard to interpret within the application context, and lack measures of uncertainty for the learned policy value and its decisions.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +3

Estimating and Inferring the Maximum Degree of Stimulus-Locked Time-Varying Brain Connectivity Networks

no code implementations28 May 2019 Kean Ming Tan, Junwei Lu, Tong Zhang, Han Liu

To address this issue, neuroscientists have been measuring brain activity under natural viewing experiments in which the subjects are given continuous stimuli, such as watching a movie or listening to a story.

Experimental Design

On Tighter Generalization Bounds for Deep Neural Networks: CNNs, ResNets, and Beyond

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Xingguo Li, Junwei Lu, Zhaoran Wang, Jarvis Haupt, Tuo Zhao

We propose a generalization error bound for a general family of deep neural networks based on the depth and width of the networks, as well as the spectral norm of weight matrices.

Generalization Bounds

Sketching Method for Large Scale Combinatorial Inference

no code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Wei Sun, Junwei Lu, Han Liu

In order to test the hypotheses on their topological structures, we propose two adjacency matrix sketching frameworks: neighborhood sketching and subgraph sketching.


The Edge Density Barrier: Computational-Statistical Tradeoffs in Combinatorial Inference

no code implementations ICML 2018 Hao Lu, Yuan Cao, Zhuoran Yang, Junwei Lu, Han Liu, Zhaoran Wang

We study the hypothesis testing problem of inferring the existence of combinatorial structures in undirected graphical models.

Two-sample testing

On Tighter Generalization Bound for Deep Neural Networks: CNNs, ResNets, and Beyond

no code implementations13 Jun 2018 Xingguo Li, Junwei Lu, Zhaoran Wang, Jarvis Haupt, Tuo Zhao

We establish a margin based data dependent generalization error bound for a general family of deep neural networks in terms of the depth and width, as well as the Jacobian of the networks.

Generalization Bounds

Inter-Subject Analysis: Inferring Sparse Interactions with Dense Intra-Graphs

no code implementations20 Sep 2017 Cong Ma, Junwei Lu, Han Liu

Our framework is based on the Gaussian graphical models, under which ISA can be converted to the problem of estimation and inference of the inter-subject precision matrix.

Functional Connectivity valid

Adaptive Inferential Method for Monotone Graph Invariants

no code implementations28 Jul 2017 Junwei Lu, Matey Neykov, Han Liu

In this paper, we propose a new inferential framework for testing nested multiple hypotheses and constructing confidence intervals of the unknown graph invariants under undirected graphical models.


Symmetry, Saddle Points, and Global Optimization Landscape of Nonconvex Matrix Factorization

no code implementations29 Dec 2016 Xingguo Li, Junwei Lu, Raman Arora, Jarvis Haupt, Han Liu, Zhaoran Wang, Tuo Zhao

We propose a general theory for studying the \xl{landscape} of nonconvex \xl{optimization} with underlying symmetric structures \tz{for a class of machine learning problems (e. g., low-rank matrix factorization, phase retrieval, and deep linear neural networks)}.


Combinatorial Inference for Graphical Models

no code implementations10 Aug 2016 Matey Neykov, Junwei Lu, Han Liu

We propose a new family of combinatorial inference problems for graphical models.

Post-Regularization Inference for Time-Varying Nonparanormal Graphical Models

no code implementations28 Dec 2015 Junwei Lu, Mladen Kolar, Han Liu

The testing procedures are based on a high dimensional, debiasing-free moment estimator, which uses a novel kernel smoothed Kendall's tau correlation matrix as an input statistic.

Model Selection

Graphical Fermat's Principle and Triangle-Free Graph Estimation

no code implementations23 Apr 2015 Junwei Lu, Han Liu

We consider the problem of estimating undirected triangle-free graphs of high dimensional distributions.

Kernel Meets Sieve: Post-Regularization Confidence Bands for Sparse Additive Model

no code implementations10 Mar 2015 Junwei Lu, Mladen Kolar, Han Liu

We develop a novel procedure for constructing confidence bands for components of a sparse additive model.

Additive models

Provable Sparse Tensor Decomposition

no code implementations5 Feb 2015 Will Wei Sun, Junwei Lu, Han Liu, Guang Cheng

We propose a novel sparse tensor decomposition method, namely Tensor Truncated Power (TTP) method, that incorporates variable selection into the estimation of decomposition components.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Clustering +2

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