Search Results for author: Junyu Xuan

Found 20 papers, 10 papers with code

A Non-Monolithic Policy Approach of Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation31 Oct 2024 Jaeyoon Kim, Junyu Xuan, Christy Liang, Farookh Hussain

An existing approach, Policy Expansion (PEX), utilizes a policy set composed of both policies without modifying the offline policy for exploration and learning.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Functional Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Bayesian Neural Networks

no code implementations25 Sep 2024 Mengjing Wu, Junyu Xuan, Jie Lu

Classical parameter-space Bayesian inference for Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) suffers from several unresolved prior issues, such as knowledge encoding intractability and pathological behaviours in deep networks, which can lead to improper posterior inference.

Bayesian Inference Uncertainty Quantification +1

LSTM Autoencoder-based Deep Neural Networks for Barley Genotype-to-Phenotype Prediction

no code implementations21 Jul 2024 Guanjin Wang, Junyu Xuan, Penghao Wang, Chengdao Li, Jie Lu

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a key driver of precision agriculture, facilitating enhanced crop productivity, optimized resource use, farm sustainability, and informed decision-making.

Decision Making Management

Decoupling Exploration and Exploitation for Unsupervised Pre-training with Successor Features

1 code implementation4 May 2024 Jaeyoon Kim, Junyu Xuan, Christy Liang, Farookh Hussain

Our suggested model is termed Non-Monolithic unsupervised Pre-training with Successor features (NMPS), which improves the performance of the original monolithic exploration method of pre-training with SFs.

Unsupervised Pre-training

Group-Aware Coordination Graph for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation17 Apr 2024 Wei Duan, Jie Lu, Junyu Xuan

To overcome these limitations, we present a novel approach to infer the Group-Aware Coordination Graph (GACG), which is designed to capture both the cooperation between agent pairs based on current observations and group-level dependencies from behaviour patterns observed across trajectories.

Decision Making Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning +4

Inferring Latent Temporal Sparse Coordination Graph for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation28 Mar 2024 Wei Duan, Jie Lu, Junyu Xuan

The LTS-CG leverages agents' historical observations to calculate an agent-pair probability matrix, where a sparse graph is sampled from and used for knowledge exchange between agents, thereby simultaneously capturing agent dependencies and relation uncertainty.

Graph Learning Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning +2

Layer-diverse Negative Sampling for Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations18 Mar 2024 Wei Duan, Jie Lu, Yu Guang Wang, Junyu Xuan

Experiments on various real-world graph datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in improving the diversity of negative samples and overall learning performance.


An Autonomous Non-monolithic Agent with Multi-mode Exploration based on Options Framework

1 code implementation2 May 2023 Jaeyoon Kim, Junyu Xuan, Christy Liang, Farookh Hussain

The issue of `when' of a monolithic exploration in the usual RL exploration behaviour binds an exploratory action to an exploitational action of an agent.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Diverse Negative Samples via Decomposed Determinant Point Processes

1 code implementation5 Dec 2022 Wei Duan, Junyu Xuan, Maoying Qiao, Jie Lu

However, there are more non-neighbour nodes in the whole graph, which provide diverse and useful information for the representation update.

Computational Efficiency Graph Representation Learning +2

Learning from the Dark: Boosting Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Diverse Negative Samples

1 code implementation3 Oct 2022 Wei Duan, Junyu Xuan, Maoying Qiao, Jie Lu

An interesting way to understand GCNs is to think of them as a message passing mechanism where each node updates its representation by accepting information from its neighbours (also known as positive samples).

Representation Learning

Bayesian Transfer Learning: An Overview of Probabilistic Graphical Models for Transfer Learning

no code implementations27 Sep 2021 Junyu Xuan, Jie Lu, Guangquan Zhang

Transfer learning where the behavior of extracting transferable knowledge from the source domain(s) and reusing this knowledge to target domain has become a research area of great interest in the field of artificial intelligence.

Transfer Learning

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with Optimal Level Synchronization based on a Deep Generative Model

1 code implementation17 Jul 2021 Jaeyoon Kim, Junyu Xuan, Christy Liang, Farookh Hussain

We propose a novel HRL model supporting the optimal level synchronization using the off-policy correction technique with a deep generative model.

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

Path Integral Based Convolution and Pooling for Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Zheng Ma, Junyu Xuan, Yu Guang Wang, Ming Li, Pietro Lio

Borrowing ideas from physics, we propose a path integral based graph neural networks (PAN) for classification and regression tasks on graphs.

Graph Classification Graph Regression +1

Open Set Domain Adaptation: Theoretical Bound and Algorithm

1 code implementation19 Jul 2019 Zhen Fang, Jie Lu, Feng Liu, Junyu Xuan, Guangquan Zhang

The aim of unsupervised domain adaptation is to leverage the knowledge in a labeled (source) domain to improve a model's learning performance with an unlabeled (target) domain -- the basic strategy being to mitigate the effects of discrepancies between the two distributions.

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Cooperative Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes: Superposition vs. Maximization

no code implementations18 Jul 2017 Junyu Xuan, Jie Lu, Guangquan Zhang, Richard Yi Da Xu

The cooperative hierarchical structure is a common and significant data structure observed in, or adopted by, many research areas, such as: text mining (author-paper-word) and multi-label classification (label-instance-feature).

Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION +1

Dependent Indian Buffet Process-based Sparse Nonparametric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

no code implementations12 Jul 2015 Junyu Xuan, Jie Lu, Guangquan Zhang, Richard Yi Da Xu, Xiangfeng Luo

Under this same framework, two classes of correlation function are proposed (1) using Bivariate beta distribution and (2) using Copula function.

Clustering Recommendation Systems

Infinite Author Topic Model based on Mixed Gamma-Negative Binomial Process

no code implementations30 Mar 2015 Junyu Xuan, Jie Lu, Guangquan Zhang, Richard Yi Da Xu, Xiangfeng Luo

One branch of these works is the so-called Author Topic Model (ATM), which incorporates the authors's interests as side information into the classical topic model.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

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