Search Results for author: Jyotishka Datta

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Horseshoe-type Priors for Independent Component Estimation

no code implementations24 Jun 2024 Jyotishka Datta, Nicholas G. Polson

Our methodology also applies to flow-based methods for nonlinear feature extraction and deep learning.

Feature Engineering

Merging Two Cultures: Deep and Statistical Learning

no code implementations22 Oct 2021 Anindya Bhadra, Jyotishka Datta, Nick Polson, Vadim Sokolov, Jianeng Xu

We show that prediction, interpolation and uncertainty quantification can be achieved using probabilistic methods at the output layer of the model.

Dimensionality Reduction Feature Engineering +2

On Posterior consistency of Bayesian Changepoint models

no code implementations25 Feb 2021 Nilabja Guha, Jyotishka Datta

We consider a hierarchical Bayesian linear model where the active set of covariates that affects the observations through a mean model can vary between different time segments.

Model Selection Variable Selection Methodology Statistics Theory Statistics Theory

FairMixRep : Self-supervised Robust Representation Learning for Heterogeneous Data with Fairness constraints

no code implementations7 Oct 2020 Souradip Chakraborty, Ekansh Verma, Saswata Sahoo, Jyotishka Datta

Representation Learning in a heterogeneous space with mixed variables of numerical and categorical types has interesting challenges due to its complex feature manifold.

Decoder Fairness +1

Horseshoe Regularization for Machine Learning in Complex and Deep Models

no code implementations24 Apr 2019 Anindya Bhadra, Jyotishka Datta, Yunfan Li, Nicholas G. Polson

We also outline the recent computational developments in horseshoe shrinkage for complex models along with a list of available software implementations that allows one to venture out beyond the comfort zone of the canonical linear regression problems.

BIG-bench Machine Learning regression

Lasso Meets Horseshoe

1 code implementation30 Jun 2017 Anindya Bhadra, Jyotishka Datta, Nicholas G. Polson, Brandon T. Willard

The goal of our paper is to survey and contrast the major advances in two of the most commonly used high-dimensional techniques, namely, the Lasso and horseshoe regularization methodologies.

Methodology Primary 62J07, 62J05, Secondary 62H15, 62F03

Horseshoe Regularization for Feature Subset Selection

no code implementations23 Feb 2017 Anindya Bhadra, Jyotishka Datta, Nicholas G. Polson, Brandon Willard

Feature subset selection arises in many high-dimensional applications of statistics, such as compressed sensing and genomics.

Uncertainty Quantification

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