Search Results for author: Kai Heussen

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Towards Scalable FMI-based Co-simulation of Wind Energy Systems Using PowerFactory

no code implementations27 Sep 2023 Arjen A van der Meer, Rishabh Bhandia, Edmund Widl, Kai Heussen, Cornelius Steinbrink, Przemyslaw Chodura, Thomas I. Strasser, Peter Palensky

Due to the increased deployment of renewable energy sources and intelligent components the electric power system will exhibit a large degree of heterogeneity, which requires inclusive and multi-disciplinary system assessment.

CyPhERS: A Cyber-Physical Event Reasoning System providing real-time situational awareness for attack and fault response

no code implementations26 May 2023 Nils Müller, Kaibin Bao, Jörg Matthes, Kai Heussen

CyPhERS provides real-time information pertaining the occurrence, location, physical impact, and root cause of potentially critical events in CPSs, without the need for historical event observations.

Threat Scenarios and Monitoring Requirements for Cyber-Physical Systems of Flexibility Markets

no code implementations5 Nov 2021 Nils Müller, Zeeshan Afzal, Per Eliasson, Mathias Ekstedt, Kai Heussen

While cross-domain integration sets the foundation for efficient deployment of flexibility, it introduces new physical and cyber vulnerabilities to participants.


Unsupervised detection and open-set classification of fast-ramped flexibility activation events

no code implementations3 Nov 2021 Nils Müller, Carsten Heinrich, Kai Heussen, Henrik W. Bindner

Flexibility activations can be broadly categorized to those originating from electricity markets and those initiated by the DSO to avoid constraint violations.

Event Detection open-set classification

Experimental Validation of Fully Distributed Peer-to-Peer Optimal Voltage Control with Minimal Model Requirements

no code implementations8 Oct 2019 Lukas Ortmann, Alexander Prostejovsky, Kai Heussen, Saverio Bolognani

This paper addresses the problem of voltage regulation in a power distribution grid using the reactive power injections of grid-connected power inverters.

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