Search Results for author: Kai Hong

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

High-dimensional Assisted Generative Model for Color Image Restoration

1 code implementation14 Aug 2021 Kai Hong, CHUNHUA WU, Cailian Yang, Minghui Zhang, Yancheng Lu, Yuhao Wang, Qiegen Liu

This work presents an unsupervised deep learning scheme that exploiting high-dimensional assisted score-based generative model for color image restoration tasks.

Demosaicking Denoising +2

Joint Intensity-Gradient Guided Generative Modeling for Colorization

7 code implementations28 Dec 2020 Kai Hong, Jin Li, Wanyun Li, Cailian Yang, Minghui Zhang, Yuhao Wang, Qiegen Liu

Furthermore, the joint intensity-gradient constraint in data-fidelity term is proposed to limit the degree of freedom within generative model at the iterative colorization stage, and it is conducive to edge-preserving.


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