Search Results for author: Kai Luo

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Towards Consistent Object Detection via LiDAR-Camera Synergy

1 code implementation2 May 2024 Kai Luo, Hao Wu, Kefu Yi, Kailun Yang, Wei Hao, Rongdong Hu

The study also explored how the proposed consistency detection method performs on images when the calibration parameters between images and point clouds are disturbed, compared to existing post-processing methods.

Object object-detection +2

RMAFF-PSN: A Residual Multi-Scale Attention Feature Fusion Photometric Stereo Network

1 code implementation11 Apr 2024 Kai Luo, Yakun Ju, Lin Qi, Kaixuan Wang, Junyu Dong

Predicting accurate normal maps of objects from two-dimensional images in regions of complex structure and spatial material variations is challenging using photometric stereo methods due to the influence of surface reflection properties caused by variations in object geometry and surface materials.


Within-basket Recommendation via Neural Pattern Associator

no code implementations25 Jan 2024 Kai Luo, Tianshu Shen, Lan Yao, Ga Wu, Aaron Liblong, Istvan Fehervari, Ruijian An, Jawad Ahmed, Harshit Mishra, Charu Pujari

Within-basket recommendation (WBR) refers to the task of recommending items to the end of completing a non-empty shopping basket during a shopping session.


Attentive Autoencoders for Multifaceted Preference Learning in One-class Collaborative Filtering

no code implementations24 Oct 2020 Zheda Mai, Ga Wu, Kai Luo, Scott Sanner

In order to capture multifaceted user preferences, existing recommender systems either increase the encoding complexity or extend the latent representation dimension.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems

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