no code implementations • CVPR 2021 • Nelson Nauata, Sepidehsadat Hosseini, Kai-Hung Chang, Hang Chu, Chin-Yi Cheng, Yasutaka Furukawa
This paper proposes a generative adversarial layout refinement network for automated floorplan generation.
no code implementations • ICCV 2021 • Kai-Hung Chang, Chin-Yi Cheng, Jieliang Luo, Shingo Murata, Mehdi Nourbakhsh, Yoshito Tsuji
Volumetric design is the first and critical step for professional building design, where architects not only depict the rough 3D geometry of the building but also specify the programs to form a 2D layout on each floor.
2 code implementations • 3 Mar 2021 • Nelson Nauata, Sepidehsadat Hosseini, Kai-Hung Chang, Hang Chu, Chin-Yi Cheng, Yasutaka Furukawa
This paper proposes a novel generative adversarial layout refinement network for automated floorplan generation.
1 code implementation • ICML 2020 • Kai-Hung Chang, Chin-Yi Cheng
However, structural engineers in practice often avoid optimization and compromise on a suboptimal design for the majority of buildings, due to the large size of the design space, the iterative nature of the optimization methods, and the slow simulation tools.
1 code implementation • ECCV 2020 • Nelson Nauata, Kai-Hung Chang, Chin-Yi Cheng, Greg Mori, Yasutaka Furukawa
This paper proposes a novel graph-constrained generative adversarial network, whose generator and discriminator are built upon relational architecture.