Search Results for author: Kaile Zhang

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

STANet: A Novel Spatio-Temporal Aggregation Network for Depression Classification with Small and Unbalanced FMRI Data

no code implementations31 Jul 2024 Wei zhang, Weiming Zeng, Hongyu Chen, Jie Liu, Hongjie Yan, Kaile Zhang, Ran Tao, Wai Ting Siok, Nizhuan Wang

In this study, we propose the Spatio-Temporal Aggregation Network (STANet) for diagnosing depression by integrating CNN and RNN to capture both temporal and spatial features of brain activity.

Functional Connectivity Specificity

An open dataset for oracle bone script recognition and decipherment

2 code implementations27 Jan 2024 Pengjie Wang, Kaile Zhang, Xinyu Wang, Shengwei Han, Yongge Liu, Jinpeng Wan, Haisu Guan, Zhebin Kuang, Lianwen Jin, Xiang Bai, Yuliang Liu

Oracle bone script, one of the earliest known forms of ancient Chinese writing, presents invaluable research materials for scholars studying the humanities and geography of the Shang Dynasty, dating back 3, 000 years.


An open dataset for the evolution of oracle bone characters: EVOBC

no code implementations23 Jan 2024 Haisu Guan, Jinpeng Wan, Yuliang Liu, Pengjie Wang, Kaile Zhang, Zhebin Kuang, Xinyu Wang, Xiang Bai, Lianwen Jin

We conducted validation and simulated deciphering on the constructed dataset, and the results demonstrate its high efficacy in aiding the study of oracle bone script.


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