Search Results for author: Kaiming Shen

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

SEMINAR: Search Enhanced Multi-modal Interest Network and Approximate Retrieval for Lifelong Sequential Recommendation

1 code implementation15 Jul 2024 Kaiming Shen, Xichen Ding, Zixiang Zheng, Yuqi Gong, Qianqian Li, Zhongyi Liu, Guannan Zhang

To address these challenges, we propose a unified lifelong multi-modal sequence model called SEMINAR-Search Enhanced Multi-Modal Interest Network and Approximate Retrieval.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Quantization +2

Denoising Time Cycle Modeling for Recommendation

no code implementations5 Feb 2024 Sicong Xie, Qunwei Li, Weidi Xu, Kaiming Shen, Shaohu Chen, Wenliang Zhong

We define the subset of user behaviors that are irrelevant to the target item as noises, which limits the performance of target-related time cycle modeling and affect the recommendation performance.

Denoising Recommendation Systems

Discerning and Enhancing the Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization Algorithms in Communications

1 code implementation8 Nov 2023 Zepeng Zhang, Ziping Zhao, Kaiming Shen, Daniel P. Palomar, Wei Yu

By probing the theoretical underpinnings linking the BCA and MM algorithmic frameworks, we reveal the direct correlations between the equivalent transformation techniques, essential to the development of WMMSE and WSR-FP, and the surrogate functions pivotal to WSR-MM.

An Unified Search and Recommendation Foundation Model for Cold-Start Scenario

no code implementations16 Sep 2023 Yuqi Gong, Xichen Ding, Yehui Su, Kaiming Shen, Zhongyi Liu, Guannan Zhang

With the development of large language models, LLM can extract global domain-invariant text features that serve both search and recommendation tasks.

Recommendation Systems Transfer Learning

Crossword: A Semantic Approach to Data Compression via Masking

no code implementations3 Apr 2023 Mingxiao Li, Rui Jin, Liyao Xiang, Kaiming Shen, Shuguang Cui

The traditional methods for data compression are typically based on the symbol-level statistics, with the information source modeled as a long sequence of i. i. d.

Data Compression Decoder

Spatial Deep Learning for Wireless Scheduling

1 code implementation4 Aug 2018 Wei Cui, Kaiming Shen, Wei Yu

The optimal scheduling of interfering links in a dense wireless network with full frequency reuse is a challenging task.

Deep Learning Fairness +2

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