Search Results for author: Kaiwen Zhou

Found 32 papers, 12 papers with code

SPA-Bench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for SmartPhone Agent Evaluation

1 code implementation19 Oct 2024 Jingxuan Chen, Derek Yuen, Bin Xie, Yuhao Yang, Gongwei Chen, Zhihao Wu, Li Yixing, Xurui Zhou, Weiwen Liu, Shuai Wang, Kaiwen Zhou, Rui Shao, Liqiang Nie, Yasheng Wang, Jianye Hao, Jun Wang, Kun Shao

Smartphone agents are increasingly important for helping users control devices efficiently, with (Multimodal) Large Language Model (MLLM)-based approaches emerging as key contenders.

AI Agent Benchmarking +2

Multimodal Situational Safety

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Kaiwen Zhou, Chengzhi Liu, Xuandong Zhao, Anderson Compalas, Dawn Song, Xin Eric Wang

To evaluate this capability, we develop the Multimodal Situational Safety benchmark (MSSBench) to assess the situational safety performance of current MLLMs.

Instruction Following

RestoreAgent: Autonomous Image Restoration Agent via Multimodal Large Language Models

no code implementations25 Jul 2024 Haoyu Chen, Wenbo Li, Jinjin Gu, Jingjing Ren, Sixiang Chen, Tian Ye, Renjing Pei, Kaiwen Zhou, Fenglong Song, Lei Zhu

RestoreAgent autonomously assesses the type and extent of degradation in input images and performs restoration through (1) determining the appropriate restoration tasks, (2) optimizing the task sequence, (3) selecting the most suitable models, and (4) executing the restoration.

Image Restoration

Enhancing Neural Subset Selection: Integrating Background Information into Set Representations

no code implementations5 Feb 2024 Binghui Xie, Yatao Bian, Kaiwen Zhou, Yongqiang Chen, Peilin Zhao, Bo Han, Wei Meng, James Cheng

Learning neural subset selection tasks, such as compound selection in AI-aided drug discovery, have become increasingly pivotal across diverse applications.

Drug Discovery

Muffin or Chihuahua? Challenging Multimodal Large Language Models with Multipanel VQA

no code implementations29 Jan 2024 Yue Fan, Jing Gu, Kaiwen Zhou, Qianqi Yan, Shan Jiang, Ching-Chen Kuo, Xinze Guan, Xin Eric Wang

Our evaluation shows that questions in the MultipanelVQA benchmark pose significant challenges to the state-of-the-art Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) tested, even though humans can attain approximately 99% accuracy on these questions.

Benchmarking Image Comprehension +4

Enhancing Evolving Domain Generalization through Dynamic Latent Representations

no code implementations16 Jan 2024 Binghui Xie, Yongqiang Chen, Jiaqi Wang, Kaiwen Zhou, Bo Han, Wei Meng, James Cheng

However, in non-stationary tasks where new domains evolve in an underlying continuous structure, such as time, merely extracting the invariant features is insufficient for generalization to the evolving new domains.

Evolving Domain Generalization

Positional Information Matters for Invariant In-Context Learning: A Case Study of Simple Function Classes

no code implementations30 Nov 2023 Yongqiang Chen, Binghui Xie, Kaiwen Zhou, Bo Han, Yatao Bian, James Cheng

Surprisingly, DeepSet outperforms transformers across a variety of distribution shifts, implying that preserving permutation invariance symmetry to input demonstrations is crucial for OOD ICL.

In-Context Learning

Does Invariant Graph Learning via Environment Augmentation Learn Invariance?

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Yongqiang Chen, Yatao Bian, Kaiwen Zhou, Binghui Xie, Bo Han, James Cheng

Invariant graph representation learning aims to learn the invariance among data from different environments for out-of-distribution generalization on graphs.

Graph Learning Graph Representation Learning +1

ViCor: Bridging Visual Understanding and Commonsense Reasoning with Large Language Models

no code implementations9 Oct 2023 Kaiwen Zhou, Kwonjoon Lee, Teruhisa Misu, Xin Eric Wang

For problems where the goal is to infer conclusions beyond image content, which we noted as visual commonsense inference (VCI), VLMs face difficulties, while LLMs, given sufficient visual evidence, can use commonsense to infer the answer well.

Image Captioning Visual Commonsense Reasoning

Understanding and Improving Feature Learning for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Yongqiang Chen, Wei Huang, Kaiwen Zhou, Yatao Bian, Bo Han, James Cheng

Moreover, when fed the ERM learned features to the OOD objectives, the invariant feature learning quality significantly affects the final OOD performance, as OOD objectives rarely learn new features.

Out-of-Distribution Generalization

ESC: Exploration with Soft Commonsense Constraints for Zero-shot Object Navigation

no code implementations30 Jan 2023 Kaiwen Zhou, Kaizhi Zheng, Connor Pryor, Yilin Shen, Hongxia Jin, Lise Getoor, Xin Eric Wang

Such object navigation tasks usually require large-scale training in visual environments with labeled objects, which generalizes poorly to novel objects in unknown environments.

Efficient Exploration Language Modelling +2

Navigation as Attackers Wish? Towards Building Robust Embodied Agents under Federated Learning

no code implementations27 Nov 2022 Yunchao Zhang, Zonglin Di, Kaiwen Zhou, Cihang Xie, Xin Eric Wang

However, since the local data is inaccessible to the server under federated learning, attackers may easily poison the training data of the local client to build a backdoor in the agent without notice.

Federated Learning Navigate +1

JARVIS: A Neuro-Symbolic Commonsense Reasoning Framework for Conversational Embodied Agents

no code implementations28 Aug 2022 Kaizhi Zheng, Kaiwen Zhou, Jing Gu, Yue Fan, Jialu Wang, Zonglin Di, Xuehai He, Xin Eric Wang

Building a conversational embodied agent to execute real-life tasks has been a long-standing yet quite challenging research goal, as it requires effective human-agent communication, multi-modal understanding, long-range sequential decision making, etc.

Action Generation Common Sense Reasoning +2

Efficient Private SCO for Heavy-Tailed Data via Averaged Clipping

1 code implementation27 Jun 2022 Chenhan Jin, Kaiwen Zhou, Bo Han, James Cheng, Tieyong Zeng

We consider stochastic convex optimization for heavy-tailed data with the guarantee of being differentially private (DP).

Fast and Reliable Evaluation of Adversarial Robustness with Minimum-Margin Attack

1 code implementation15 Jun 2022 Ruize Gao, Jiongxiao Wang, Kaiwen Zhou, Feng Liu, Binghui Xie, Gang Niu, Bo Han, James Cheng

The AutoAttack (AA) has been the most reliable method to evaluate adversarial robustness when considerable computational resources are available.

Adversarial Robustness Computational Efficiency

An Adaptive Incremental Gradient Method With Support for Non-Euclidean Norms

no code implementations28 Apr 2022 Binghui Xie, Chenhan Jin, Kaiwen Zhou, James Cheng, Wei Meng

Stochastic variance reduced methods have shown strong performance in solving finite-sum problems.

FedVLN: Privacy-preserving Federated Vision-and-Language Navigation

1 code implementation28 Mar 2022 Kaiwen Zhou, Xin Eric Wang

Data privacy is a central problem for embodied agents that can perceive the environment, communicate with humans, and act in the real world.

Privacy Preserving Vision and Language Navigation

Accelerating Perturbed Stochastic Iterates in Asynchronous Lock-Free Optimization

no code implementations30 Sep 2021 Kaiwen Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So, James Cheng

We show that stochastic acceleration can be achieved under the perturbed iterate framework (Mania et al., 2017) in asynchronous lock-free optimization, which leads to the optimal incremental gradient complexity for finite-sum objectives.

Local Reweighting for Adversarial Training

no code implementations30 Jun 2021 Ruize Gao, Feng Liu, Kaiwen Zhou, Gang Niu, Bo Han, James Cheng

However, when tested on attacks different from the given attack simulated in training, the robustness may drop significantly (e. g., even worse than no reweighting).

Practical Schemes for Finding Near-Stationary Points of Convex Finite-Sums

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Kaiwen Zhou, Lai Tian, Anthony Man-Cho So, James Cheng

In convex optimization, the problem of finding near-stationary points has not been adequately studied yet, unlike other optimality measures such as the function value.

Boosting First-Order Methods by Shifting Objective: New Schemes with Faster Worst-Case Rates

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Kaiwen Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So, James Cheng

Specifically, instead of tackling the original objective directly, we construct a shifted objective function that has the same minimizer as the original objective and encodes both the smoothness and strong convexity of the original objective in an interpolation condition.

Convolutional Embedding for Edit Distance

2 code implementations31 Jan 2020 Xinyan Dai, Xiao Yan, Kaiwen Zhou, Yuxuan Wang, Han Yang, James Cheng

Edit-distance-based string similarity search has many applications such as spell correction, data de-duplication, and sequence alignment.


Hyper-Sphere Quantization: Communication-Efficient SGD for Federated Learning

1 code implementation12 Nov 2019 Xinyan Dai, Xiao Yan, Kaiwen Zhou, Han Yang, Kelvin K. W. Ng, James Cheng, Yu Fan

In particular, at the high compression ratio end, HSQ provides a low per-iteration communication cost of $O(\log d)$, which is favorable for federated learning.

Federated Learning Quantization

Amortized Nesterov's Momentum: Robust and Lightweight Momentum for Deep Learning

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Kaiwen Zhou, Yanghua Jin, Qinghua Ding, James Cheng

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with Nesterov's momentum is a widely used optimizer in deep learning, which is observed to have excellent generalization performance.

Deep Learning

Norm-Range Partition: A Universal Catalyst for LSH based Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)

1 code implementation22 Oct 2018 Xiao Yan, Xinyan Dai, Jie Liu, Kaiwen Zhou, James Cheng

Recently, locality sensitive hashing (LSH) was shown to be effective for MIPS and several algorithms including $L_2$-ALSH, Sign-ALSH and Simple-LSH have been proposed.

ASVRG: Accelerated Proximal SVRG

no code implementations7 Oct 2018 Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Kaiwen Zhou, James Cheng, Yan Ren, Yufei Jin

This paper proposes an accelerated proximal stochastic variance reduced gradient (ASVRG) method, in which we design a simple and effective momentum acceleration trick.

A Simple Stochastic Variance Reduced Algorithm with Fast Convergence Rates

no code implementations ICML 2018 Kaiwen Zhou, Fanhua Shang, James Cheng

Recent years have witnessed exciting progress in the study of stochastic variance reduced gradient methods (e. g., SVRG, SAGA), their accelerated variants (e. g, Katyusha) and their extensions in many different settings (e. g., online, sparse, asynchronous, distributed).

Direct Acceleration of SAGA using Sampled Negative Momentum

no code implementations28 Jun 2018 Kaiwen Zhou

Variance reduction is a simple and effective technique that accelerates convex (or non-convex) stochastic optimization.

Stochastic Optimization

VR-SGD: A Simple Stochastic Variance Reduction Method for Machine Learning

1 code implementation26 Feb 2018 Fanhua Shang, Kaiwen Zhou, Hongying Liu, James Cheng, Ivor W. Tsang, Lijun Zhang, DaCheng Tao, Licheng Jiao

In this paper, we propose a simple variant of the original SVRG, called variance reduced stochastic gradient descent (VR-SGD).

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Guaranteed Sufficient Decrease for Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient Optimization

no code implementations26 Feb 2018 Fanhua Shang, Yuanyuan Liu, Kaiwen Zhou, James Cheng, Kelvin K. W. Ng, Yuichi Yoshida

In order to make sufficient decrease for stochastic optimization, we design a new sufficient decrease criterion, which yields sufficient decrease versions of stochastic variance reduction algorithms such as SVRG-SD and SAGA-SD as a byproduct.

Stochastic Optimization

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