Search Results for author: Kaixuan Wei

Found 11 papers, 8 papers with code

Single-shot Phase Retrieval from a Fractional Fourier Transform Perspective

no code implementations18 Nov 2023 Yixiao Yang, Ran Tao, Kaixuan Wei, Jun Shi

The realm of classical phase retrieval concerns itself with the arduous task of recovering a signal from its Fourier magnitude measurements, which are fraught with inherent ambiguities.


Spatially Varying Nanophotonic Neural Networks

no code implementations7 Aug 2023 Kaixuan Wei, Xiao Li, Johannes Froech, PRANEETH CHAKRAVARTHULA, James Whitehead, Ethan Tseng, Arka Majumdar, Felix Heide

The explosive growth of computation and energy cost of artificial intelligence has spurred strong interests in new computing modalities as potential alternatives to conventional electronic processors.


Instance Segmentation in the Dark

1 code implementation27 Apr 2023 Linwei Chen, Ying Fu, Kaixuan Wei, Dezhi Zheng, Felix Heide

Existing instance segmentation techniques are primarily tailored for high-visibility inputs, but their performance significantly deteriorates in extremely low-light environments.

Instance Segmentation Object Detection +2

Deep Plug-and-Play Prior for Hyperspectral Image Restoration

1 code implementation17 Sep 2022 Zeqiang Lai, Kaixuan Wei, Ying Fu

Deep-learning-based hyperspectral image (HSI) restoration methods have gained great popularity for their remarkable performance but often demand expensive network retraining whenever the specifics of task changes.

Denoising Hyperspectral Image Denoising +2

Dynamic Proximal Unrolling Network for Compressive Imaging

no code implementations23 Jul 2021 Yixiao Yang, Ran Tao, Kaixuan Wei, Ying Fu

In this paper, a dynamic proximal unrolling network (dubbed DPUNet) was proposed, which can handle a variety of measurement matrices via one single model without retraining.

Compressive Sensing Rolling Shutter Correction

TFPnP: Tuning-free Plug-and-Play Proximal Algorithm with Applications to Inverse Imaging Problems

1 code implementation18 Nov 2020 Kaixuan Wei, Angelica Aviles-Rivero, Jingwei Liang, Ying Fu, Hua Huang, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

In this work, we present a class of tuning-free PnP proximal algorithms that can determine parameters such as denoising strength, termination time, and other optimization-specific parameters automatically.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Denoising +1

A Physics-based Noise Formation Model for Extreme Low-light Raw Denoising

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Kaixuan Wei, Ying Fu, Jiaolong Yang, Hua Huang

Lacking rich and realistic data, learned single image denoising algorithms generalize poorly to real raw images that do not resemble the data used for training.

Image Denoising

3D Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising

2 code implementations10 Mar 2020 Kaixuan Wei, Ying Fu, Hua Huang

In this paper, we propose an alternating directional 3D quasi-recurrent neural network for hyperspectral image (HSI) denoising, which can effectively embed the domain knowledge -- structural spatio-spectral correlation and global correlation along spectrum.

Hyperspectral Image Denoising Image Denoising

Single Image Reflection Removal Exploiting Misaligned Training Data and Network Enhancements

1 code implementation CVPR 2019 Kaixuan Wei, Jiaolong Yang, Ying Fu, David Wipf, Hua Huang

Removing undesirable reflections from a single image captured through a glass window is of practical importance to visual computing systems.

Reflection Removal

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