Search Results for author: Kapil Katyal

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

GeoDiffuser: Geometry-Based Image Editing with Diffusion Models

no code implementations22 Apr 2024 Rahul Sajnani, Jeroen Vanbaar, Jie Min, Kapil Katyal, Srinath Sridhar

We present GeoDiffuser, a zero-shot optimization-based method that unifies common 2D and 3D image-based object editing capabilities into a single method.


Learning a Group-Aware Policy for Robot Navigation

no code implementations22 Dec 2020 Kapil Katyal, Yuxiang Gao, Jared Markowitz, Sara Pohland, Corban Rivera, I-Jeng Wang, Chien-Ming Huang

Human-aware robot navigation promises a range of applications in which mobile robots bring versatile assistance to people in common human environments.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Social Navigation

Visual Robot Task Planning

1 code implementation30 Mar 2018 Chris Paxton, Yotam Barnoy, Kapil Katyal, Raman Arora, Gregory D. Hager

In this work, we propose a neural network architecture and associated planning algorithm that (1) learns a representation of the world useful for generating prospective futures after the application of high-level actions, (2) uses this generative model to simulate the result of sequences of high-level actions in a variety of environments, and (3) uses this same representation to evaluate these actions and perform tree search to find a sequence of high-level actions in a new environment.

Imitation Learning Task Planning

Occupancy Map Prediction Using Generative and Fully Convolutional Networks for Vehicle Navigation

no code implementations6 Mar 2018 Kapil Katyal, Katie Popek, Chris Paxton, Joseph Moore, Kevin Wolfe, Philippe Burlina, Gregory D. Hager

In these situations, the robot's ability to reason about its future motion is often severely limited by sensor field of view (FOV).

Navigate SSIM

Learning to Imagine Manipulation Goals for Robot Task Planning

no code implementations8 Nov 2017 Chris Paxton, Kapil Katyal, Christian Rupprecht, Raman Arora, Gregory D. Hager

Ideally, we would combine the ability of machine learning to leverage big data for learning the semantics of a task, while using techniques from task planning to reliably generalize to new environment.

Task Planning

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