no code implementations • EACL (ACL) 2021 • Kevin Cohen, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Margot Mieskes, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol
This tutorial will cover the theory and practice of reviewing research in natural language processing.
no code implementations • JEPTALNRECITAL 2020 • Alice Millour, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Pierre Magistry
Nous pr{\'e}sentons ici les r{\'e}sultats d{'}un travail de r{\'e}plication et d{'}extension pour l{'}alsacien d{'}une exp{\'e}rience concernant l{'}{\'e}tiquetage en parties du discours de langues peu dot{\'e}es par sp{\'e}cialisation des plongements lexicaux (Magistry et al., 2018).
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Lionel Nicolas, Verena Lyding, Claudia Borg, Corina Forascu, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Katerina Zdravkova, Iztok Kosem, Jaka {\v{C}}ibej, {\v{S}}pela Arhar Holdt, Alice Millour, Alex K{\"o}nig, er, Christos Rodosthenous, Federico Sangati, Umair ul Hassan, Anisia Katinskaia, Anabela Barreiro, Lavinia Aparaschivei, Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner
We introduce in this paper a generic approach to combine implicit crowdsourcing and language learning in order to mass-produce language resources (LRs) for any language for which a crowd of language learners can be involved.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Kar{\"e}n Fort, Bruno Guillaume, Yann-Alan Pilatte, Mathieu Constant, Nicolas Lef{\`e}bvre
We present here Rigor Mortis, a gamified crowdsourcing platform designed to evaluate the intuition of the speakers, then train them to annotate multi-word expressions (MWEs) in French corpora.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Alice Millour, Kar{\"e}n Fort
Text corpora represent the foundation on which most natural language processing systems rely.
no code implementations • RANLP 2019 • Alice Millour, Kar{\"e}n Fort
Building representative linguistic resources and NLP tools for non-standardized languages is challenging: when spelling is not determined by a norm, multiple written forms can be encountered for a given word, inducing a large proportion of out-of-vocabulary words.
no code implementations • RANLP 2019 • Margot Mieskes, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol, Cyril Grouin, Kevin Cohen
With recent efforts in drawing attention to the task of replicating and/or reproducing results, for example in the context of COLING 2018 and various LREC workshops, the question arises how the NLP community views the topic of replicability in general.
no code implementations • COLING 2018 • Kar{\"e}n Fort, Bruno Guillaume, Matthieu Constant, Nicolas Lef{\`e}bvre, Yann-Alan Pilatte
This article presents the results we obtained in crowdsourcing French speakers{'} intuition concerning multi-work expressions (MWEs).
no code implementations • JEPTALNRECITAL 2017 • Alice Millour, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Delphine Bernhard, Lucie Steibl{\'e}
Nous pr{\'e}sentons ici les r{\'e}sultats d{'}une exp{\'e}rience men{\'e}e sur l{'}annotation en parties du discours d{'}un corpus d{'}une langue r{\'e}gionale encore peu dot{\'e}e, l{'}alsacien, via une plateforme de myriadisation (crowdsourcing) b{\'e}n{\'e}vole d{\'e}velopp{\'e}e sp{\'e}cifiquement {\`a} cette fin : Bisame1 .
no code implementations • JEPTALNRECITAL 2017 • Kar{\"e}n Fort, Bruno Guillaume, Nicolas Lefebvre, Laura Ram{\'\i}rez, Mathilde Regnault, Mary Collins, Oksana Gavrilova, Tanti Kristanti
Nous avons pr{\'e}c{\'e}demment montr{\'e} qu{'}il est possible de faire produire des annotations syntaxiques de qualit{\'e} par des participants {\`a} un jeu ayant un but.
no code implementations • COLING 2016 • Bruno Guillaume, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Nicolas Lefebvre
This article presents the results we obtained on a complex annotation task (that of dependency syntax) using a specifically designed Game with a Purpose, ZombiLingo.
no code implementations • LREC 2016 • Kar{\"e}n Fort, Alain Couillault
We present here the context and results of two surveys (a French one and an international one) concerning Ethics and NLP, which we designed and conducted between June and September 2015.
no code implementations • LREC 2014 • Bruno Guillaume, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Guy Perrier, Paul B{\'e}daride
We chose to use the examples provided in one of the resource to find implicit links between the two and make them explicit.
no code implementations • LREC 2014 • Alain Couillault, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Gilles Adda, Hugues de Mazancourt
The authors have written the Ethic and Big Data Charter in collaboration with various agencies, private bodies and associations.
no code implementations • LREC 2014 • C, Marie ito, Guy Perrier, Bruno Guillaume, Corentin Ribeyre, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Djam{\'e} Seddah, {\'E}ric de la Clergerie
We define a deep syntactic representation scheme for French, which abstracts away from surface syntactic variation and diathesis alternations, and describe the annotation of deep syntactic representations on top of the surface dependency trees of the Sequoia corpus.
no code implementations • LREC 2014 • Mathieu Lafourcade, Kar{\"e}n Fort
This article presents Propa-L, a freely accessible Web service that allows to semantically filter a lexical network.
no code implementations • LREC 2012 • Kar{\"e}n Fort, Claire Fran{\c{c}}ois, Olivier Galibert, Maha Ghribi
This article details work aiming at evaluating the quality of the manual annotation of gene renaming couples in scientific abstracts, which generates sparse annotations.
no code implementations • LREC 2012 • Kar{\"e}n Fort, Vincent Claveau
In this paper, we present an annotation campaign of football (soccer) matches, from a heterogeneous text corpus of both match minutes and video commentary transcripts, in French.