Search Results for author: Karen Ullrich

Found 18 papers, 8 papers with code

Exact Byte-Level Probabilities from Tokenized Language Models for FIM-Tasks and Model Ensembles

no code implementations11 Oct 2024 Buu Phan, Brandon Amos, Itai Gat, Marton Havasi, Matthew Muckley, Karen Ullrich

In FIM tasks where input prompts may terminate mid-token, leading to out-of-distribution tokenization, our method mitigates performance degradation and achieves an approximately 18% improvement in FIM coding benchmarks, consistently outperforming the standard token healing fix.


End-To-End Causal Effect Estimation from Unstructured Natural Language Data

no code implementations9 Jul 2024 Nikita Dhawan, Leonardo Cotta, Karen Ullrich, Rahul G. Krishnan, Chris J. Maddison

Our results suggest that unstructured text data is a rich source of causal effect information, and NATURAL is a first step towards an automated pipeline to tap this resource.

Understanding and Mitigating Tokenization Bias in Language Models

no code implementations24 Jun 2024 Buu Phan, Marton Havasi, Matthew Muckley, Karen Ullrich

As a result, we show that one can simulate token-free behavior from a tokenized language model.

Language Modelling

Latent Discretization for Continuous-time Sequence Compression

no code implementations28 Dec 2022 Ricky T. Q. Chen, Matthew Le, Matthew Muckley, Maximilian Nickel, Karen Ullrich

We empirically verify our approach on multiple domains involving compression of video and motion capture sequences, showing that our approaches can automatically achieve reductions in bit rates by learning how to discretize.

An optimal control perspective on diffusion-based generative modeling

1 code implementation2 Nov 2022 Julius Berner, Lorenz Richter, Karen Ullrich

In particular, we derive a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation that governs the evolution of the log-densities of the underlying SDE marginals.

Compressing Multisets with Large Alphabets using Bits-Back Coding

1 code implementation15 Jul 2021 Daniel Severo, James Townsend, Ashish Khisti, Alireza Makhzani, Karen Ullrich

Current methods which compress multisets at an optimal rate have computational complexity that scales linearly with alphabet size, making them too slow to be practical in many real-world settings.

Improving Lossless Compression Rates via Monte Carlo Bits-Back Coding

1 code implementation ICLR Workshop Neural_Compression 2021 Yangjun Ruan, Karen Ullrich, Daniel Severo, James Townsend, Ashish Khisti, Arnaud Doucet, Alireza Makhzani, Chris J. Maddison

Naively applied, our schemes would require more initial bits than the standard bits-back coder, but we show how to drastically reduce this additional cost with couplings in the latent space.

Data Compression

Neural Communication Systems with Bandwidth-limited Channel

no code implementations30 Mar 2020 Karen Ullrich, Fabio Viola, Danilo Jimenez Rezende

Reliably transmitting messages despite information loss due to a noisy channel is a core problem of information theory.


Differentiable probabilistic models of scientific imaging with the Fourier slice theorem

1 code implementation18 Jun 2019 Karen Ullrich, Rianne van den Berg, Marcus Brubaker, David Fleet, Max Welling

Finally, we demonstrate how the reconstruction algorithm can be extended with an amortized inference scheme on unknown attributes such as object pose.

3D Reconstruction Computational Efficiency +3

Improved Bayesian Compression

no code implementations17 Nov 2017 Marco Federici, Karen Ullrich, Max Welling

Compression of Neural Networks (NN) has become a highly studied topic in recent years.

Model Compression

Optical Music Recognition with Convolutional Sequence-to-Sequence Models

3 code implementations16 Jul 2017 Eelco van der Wel, Karen Ullrich

This data set is the first publicly available set in OMR research with sufficient size to train and evaluate deep learning models.

Deep Learning Information Retrieval +2

Bayesian Compression for Deep Learning

3 code implementations NeurIPS 2017 Christos Louizos, Karen Ullrich, Max Welling

Compression and computational efficiency in deep learning have become a problem of great significance.

Computational Efficiency Deep Learning

Soft Weight-Sharing for Neural Network Compression

3 code implementations13 Feb 2017 Karen Ullrich, Edward Meeds, Max Welling

The success of deep learning in numerous application domains created the de- sire to run and train them on mobile devices.

Neural Network Compression Quantization

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