no code implementations • 5 Dec 2022 • Ana Kotarcic, Dominik Hangartner, Fabrizio Gilardi, Selina Kurer, Karsten Donnay
The shift of public debate to the digital sphere has been accompanied by a rise in online hate speech.
no code implementations • 15 Dec 2021 • Franziska Weeber, Felix Hamborg, Karsten Donnay, Bela Gipp
Large amounts of annotated data have become more important than ever, especially since the rise of deep learning techniques.
no code implementations • 18 Oct 2021 • Felix Hamborg, Kim Heinser, Anastasia Zhukova, Karsten Donnay, Bela Gipp
Our study further suggests that our content-driven identification method detects groups of similarly slanted news articles due to substantial biases present in individual news articles.
no code implementations • 18 Oct 2021 • Felix Hamborg, Timo Spinde, Kim Heinser, Karsten Donnay, Bela Gipp
We present an in-progress system for news recommendation that is the first to automate the manual procedure of content analysis to reveal person-targeting biases in news articles reporting on policy issues.
no code implementations • Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future: 17th International Conference, iConference 2022, Virtual Event 2022 • Anastasia Zhukova, Felix Hamborg, Karsten Donnay, Bela Gipp
Bridging and loose coreference relations trigger associations that may lead to exposing news readers to bias by word choice and labeling.
coreference-resolution Cross Document Coreference Resolution
no code implementations • 2 Jul 2021 • Anastasia Zhukova, Felix Hamborg, Karsten Donnay, Bela Gipp
Specifically, the approach clusters mentions of groups of persons that act as non-named entity actors in the texts, e. g., "migrant families" = "asylum-seekers."
1 code implementation • 20 May 2021 • Felix Hamborg, Karsten Donnay, Bela Gipp
Extensive research on target-dependent sentiment classification (TSC) has led to strong classification performances in domains where authors tend to explicitly express sentiment about specific entities or topics, such as in reviews or on social media.
1 code implementation • EACL 2021 • Felix Hamborg, Karsten Donnay
Previous research on target-dependent sentiment classification (TSC) has mostly focused on reviews, social media, and other domains where authors tend to express sentiment explicitly.