Search Results for author: Katie Seaver

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Using Large Language Models to Accelerate Communication for Users with Severe Motor Impairments

no code implementations3 Dec 2023 Shanqing Cai, Subhashini Venugopalan, Katie Seaver, Xiang Xiao, Katrin Tomanek, Sri Jalasutram, Meredith Ringel Morris, Shaun Kane, Ajit Narayanan, Robert L. MacDonald, Emily Kornman, Daniel Vance, Blair Casey, Steve M. Gleason, Philip Q. Nelson, Michael P. Brenner

A pilot study with 19 non-AAC participants typing on a mobile device by hand demonstrated gains in motor savings in line with the offline simulation, while introducing relatively small effects on overall typing speed.

Speech Intelligibility Classifiers from 550k Disordered Speech Samples

no code implementations13 Mar 2023 Subhashini Venugopalan, Jimmy Tobin, Samuel J. Yang, Katie Seaver, Richard J. N. Cave, Pan-Pan Jiang, Neil Zeghidour, Rus Heywood, Jordan Green, Michael P. Brenner

We developed dysarthric speech intelligibility classifiers on 551, 176 disordered speech samples contributed by a diverse set of 468 speakers, with a range of self-reported speaking disorders and rated for their overall intelligibility on a five-point scale.

An analysis of degenerating speech due to progressive dysarthria on ASR performance

no code implementations31 Oct 2022 Katrin Tomanek, Katie Seaver, Pan-Pan Jiang, Richard Cave, Lauren Harrel, Jordan R. Green

Although personalized automatic speech recognition (ASR) models have recently been designed to recognize even severely impaired speech, model performance may degrade over time for persons with degenerating speech.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +1

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