1 code implementation • COLING (CODI, CRAC) 2022 • Frances Yung, Kaveri Anuranjana, Merel Scholman, Vera Demberg
Implicit discourse relations can convey more than one relation sense, but much of the research on discourse relations has focused on single relation senses.
Implicit Discourse Relation Classification
no code implementations • EACL (WASSA) 2021 • Anvesh Rao Vijjini, Kaveri Anuranjana, Radhika Mamidi
Our axes of analysis include Task difficulty on CL, comparing CL pacing techniques, and qualitative analysis by visualizing the movement of attention scores in the model as curriculum phases progress.
1 code implementation • 10 May 2020 • Vijjini Anvesh Rao, Kaveri Anuranjana, Radhika Mamidi
In this paper, we apply the ideas of curriculum learning, driven by SentiWordNet in a sentiment analysis setting.
no code implementations • 20 Jun 2019 • Kaveri Anuranjana, Vijjini Anvesh Rao, Radhika Mamidi
We present a rule-based system for question generation in Hindi by formalizing question transformation methods based on karaka-dependency theory.