Search Results for author: Kazuhiro Terada

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Theoretical Proportion Label Perturbation for Learning from Label Proportions in Large Bags

1 code implementation26 Aug 2024 Shunsuke Kubo, Shinnosuke Matsuo, Daiki Suehiro, Kazuhiro Terada, Hiroaki Ito, Akihiko Yoshizawa, Ryoma Bise

In our method, smaller bags (mini-bags) are generated by sampling instances from large-sized bags (original bags), and these mini-bags are used in place of the original bags.

Weakly-supervised Learning

Proportion Estimation by Masked Learning from Label Proportion

no code implementations8 May 2024 Takumi Okuo, Kazuya Nishimura, Hiroaki Ito, Kazuhiro Terada, Akihiko Yoshizawa, Ryoma Bise

The PD-L1 rate, the number of PD-L1 positive tumor cells over the total number of all tumor cells, is an important metric for immunotherapy.

Cluster Entropy: Active Domain Adaptation in Pathological Image Segmentation

no code implementations26 Apr 2023 Xiaoqing Liu, Kengo Araki, Shota Harada, Akihiko Yoshizawa, Kazuhiro Terada, Mariyo Kurata, Naoki Nakajima, Hiroyuki Abe, Tetsuo Ushiku, Ryoma Bise

The domain shift in pathological segmentation is an important problem, where a network trained by a source domain (collected at a specific hospital) does not work well in the target domain (from different hospitals) due to the different image features.

Image Segmentation Semantic Segmentation +2

Cluster-Guided Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Imbalanced Medical Image Classification

no code implementations2 Mar 2023 Shota Harada, Ryoma Bise, Kengo Araki, Akihiko Yoshizawa, Kazuhiro Terada, Mariyo Kurata, Naoki Nakajima, Hiroyuki Abe, Tetsuo Ushiku, Seiichi Uchida

Semi-supervised domain adaptation is a technique to build a classifier for a target domain by modifying a classifier in another (source) domain using many unlabeled samples and a small number of labeled samples from the target domain.

Clustering Domain Adaptation +4

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