1 code implementation • 30 Dec 2023 • Masachika Masuda, Mazen Soufi, Yoshito Otake, Keisuke Uemura, Sotaro Kono, Kazuma Takashima, Hidetoshi Hamada, Yi Gu, Masaki Takao, Seiji Okada, Nobuhiko Sugano, Yoshinobu Sato
However, as the classification is subjective, we aimed to develop an automated approach to classify the disease severity based on the two grades using digitally-reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) from CT images.
no code implementations • 18 Mar 2018 • Yuta Hiasa, Yoshito Otake, Masaki Takao, Takumi Matsuoka, Kazuma Takashima, Jerry L. Prince, Nobuhiko Sugano, Yoshinobu Sato
To evaluate image synthesis, we investigated dependency of image synthesis accuracy on 1) the number of training data and 2) the gradient consistency loss.