Search Results for author: Keegan Lensink

Found 9 papers, 3 papers with code

Fully invertible hyperbolic neural networks for segmenting large-scale surface and sub-surface data

no code implementations30 Jun 2024 Bas Peters, Eldad Haber, Keegan Lensink

Examples in hyperspectral land-use classification, airborne geophysical surveying, and seismic imaging illustrate that we can input large data volumes in one chunk and do not need to work on small patches, use dimensionality reduction, or employ methods that classify a patch to a single central pixel.

Dimensionality Reduction Seismic Imaging

Segmentation of Pulmonary Opacification in Chest CT Scans of COVID-19 Patients

1 code implementation7 Jul 2020 Keegan Lensink, Issam Laradji, Marco Law, Paolo Emilio Barbano, Savvas Nicolaou, William Parker, Eldad Haber

In this work we provide open source models for the segmentation of patterns of pulmonary opacification on chest Computed Tomography (CT) scans which have been correlated with various stages and severities of infection.

Computed Tomography (CT) Domain Adaptation +1

A Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for COVID-19 Segmentation in CT Images

3 code implementations4 Jul 2020 Issam Laradji, Pau Rodriguez, Oscar Mañas, Keegan Lensink, Marco Law, Lironne Kurzman, William Parker, David Vazquez, Derek Nowrouzezahrai

Thus, we propose a consistency-based (CB) loss function that encourages the output predictions to be consistent with spatial transformations of the input images.

Fully reversible neural networks for large-scale surface and sub-surface characterization via remote sensing

no code implementations16 Mar 2020 Bas Peters, Eldad Haber, Keegan Lensink

The large spatial/frequency scale of hyperspectral and airborne magnetic and gravitational data causes memory issues when using convolutional neural networks for (sub-) surface characterization.

Change Detection

Symmetric block-low-rank layers for fully reversible multilevel neural networks

no code implementations14 Dec 2019 Bas Peters, Eldad Haber, Keegan Lensink

Factors that limit the size of the input and output of a neural network include memory requirements for the network states/activations to compute gradients, as well as memory for the convolutional kernels or other weights.

Video Segmentation Video Semantic Segmentation

Fluid Flow Mass Transport for Generative Networks

no code implementations3 Oct 2019 Jingrong Lin, Keegan Lensink, Eldad Haber

Generative Adversarial Networks have been shown to be powerful in generating content.

Fully Hyperbolic Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations24 May 2019 Keegan Lensink, Bas Peters, Eldad Haber

However, their application to problems with high dimensional input and output, such as high-resolution image and video segmentation or 3D medical imaging, has been limited by various factors.

Depth Estimation General Classification +6

IMEXnet: A Forward Stable Deep Neural Network

1 code implementation6 Mar 2019 Eldad Haber, Keegan Lensink, Eran Treister, Lars Ruthotto

Deep convolutional neural networks have revolutionized many machine learning and computer vision tasks, however, some remaining key challenges limit their wider use.

Semantic Segmentation

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