Search Results for author: Keizo Kato

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Disentangled Action Recognition with Knowledge Bases

no code implementations NAACL 2022 Zhekun Luo, Shalini Ghosh, Devin Guillory, Keizo Kato, Trevor Darrell, Huijuan Xu

In this paper, we aim to improve the generalization ability of the compositional action recognition model to novel verbs or novel nouns that are unseen during training time, by leveraging the power of knowledge graphs.

Action Recognition Knowledge Graphs

Quantitative Understanding of VAE as a Non-linearly Scaled Isometric Embedding

no code implementations30 Jul 2020 Akira Nakagawa, Keizo Kato, Taiji Suzuki

According to the Rate-distortion theory, the optimal transform coding is achieved by using an orthonormal transform with PCA basis where the transform space is isometric to the input.

Rate-Distortion Optimization Guided Autoencoder for Isometric Embedding in Euclidean Latent Space

no code implementations ICML 2020 Keizo Kato, Jing Zhou, Tomotake Sasaki, Akira Nakagawa

We show our method has the following properties: (i) the Jacobian matrix between the input space and a Euclidean latent space forms a constantlyscaled orthonormal system and enables isometric data embedding; (ii) the relation of PDFs in both spaces can become tractable one such as proportional relation.

Relation Unsupervised Anomaly Detection


no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Keizo Kato, Jing Zhou, Akira Nakagawa

In the generative model approach of machine learning, it is essential to acquire an accurate probabilistic model and compress the dimension of data for easy treatment.

Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

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