no code implementations • 6 Jun 2022 • İlter Onat Korkmaz, Efe Eren Ceyani, Kerem Bozgan, Cem Tekin
We consider ({\alpha}, {\delta})-PAC PSI and propose a sample median-based multi-objective adaptive elimination algorithm that returns an ({\alpha}, {\delta})- PAC Pareto set upon termination with a sample complexity bound that depends on the contamination probability.
1 code implementation • 24 Jun 2020 • Andi Nika, Kerem Bozgan, Sepehr Elahi, Çağın Ararat, Cem Tekin
We consider the problem of optimizing a vector-valued objective function $\boldsymbol{f}$ sampled from a Gaussian Process (GP) whose index set is a well-behaved, compact metric space $({\cal X}, d)$ of designs.