Search Results for author: Keshav Kumar

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

SlideSpawn: An Automatic Slides Generation System for Research Publications

no code implementations20 Nov 2024 Keshav Kumar, Ravindranath Chowdary

In this paper, we propose a novel system, SlideSpwan, that takes PDF of a research document as an input and generates a quality presentation providing it's summary in a visual and concise fashion.


CoV-TI-Net: Transferred Initialization with Modified End Layer for COVID-19 Diagnosis

1 code implementation20 Sep 2022 Sadia Khanam, Mohammad Reza Chalak Qazani, Subrota Kumar Mondal, H M Dipu Kabir, Abadhan S. Sabyasachi, Houshyar Asadi, Keshav Kumar, Farzin Tabarsinezhad, Shady Mohamed, Abbas Khorsavi, Saeid Nahavandi

In this research, the PyTorch pre-trained models (VGG19\_bn and WideResNet -101) are applied in the MNIST dataset for the first time as initialization and with modified fully connected layers.

COVID-19 Diagnosis Image Classification +1

Using Static and Dynamic Malware features to perform Malware Ascription

no code implementations5 Dec 2021 Jashanpreet Singh Sraw, Keshav Kumar

Malware ascription is a relatively unexplored area, and it is rather difficult to attribute malware and detect authorship.

Attribute BIG-bench Machine Learning

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