Search Results for author: Kevin Black

Found 13 papers, 3 papers with code

Octo: An Open-Source Generalist Robot Policy

no code implementations20 May 2024 Octo Model Team, Dibya Ghosh, Homer Walke, Karl Pertsch, Kevin Black, Oier Mees, Sudeep Dasari, Joey Hejna, Tobias Kreiman, Charles Xu, Jianlan Luo, You Liang Tan, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Pannag Sanketi, Quan Vuong, Ted Xiao, Dorsa Sadigh, Chelsea Finn, Sergey Levine

In experiments across 9 robotic platforms, we demonstrate that Octo serves as a versatile policy initialization that can be effectively finetuned to new observation and action spaces.

Robot Manipulation

Learning Action-based Representations Using Invariance

no code implementations25 Mar 2024 Max Rudolph, Caleb Chuck, Kevin Black, Misha Lvovsky, Scott Niekum, Amy Zhang

Robust reinforcement learning agents using high-dimensional observations must be able to identify relevant state features amidst many exogeneous distractors.

Feedback Efficient Online Fine-Tuning of Diffusion Models

1 code implementation26 Feb 2024 Masatoshi Uehara, Yulai Zhao, Kevin Black, Ehsan Hajiramezanali, Gabriele Scalia, Nathaniel Lee Diamant, Alex M Tseng, Sergey Levine, Tommaso Biancalani

It is natural to frame this as a reinforcement learning (RL) problem, in which the objective is to fine-tune a diffusion model to maximize a reward function that corresponds to some property.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

ViNT: A Foundation Model for Visual Navigation

no code implementations26 Jun 2023 Dhruv Shah, Ajay Sridhar, Nitish Dashora, Kyle Stachowicz, Kevin Black, Noriaki Hirose, Sergey Levine

In this paper, we describe the Visual Navigation Transformer (ViNT), a foundation model that aims to bring the success of general-purpose pre-trained models to vision-based robotic navigation.

model Visual Navigation

Granger Causal Interaction Skill Chains

no code implementations15 Jun 2023 Caleb Chuck, Kevin Black, Aditya Arjun, Yuke Zhu, Scott Niekum

Reinforcement Learning (RL) has demonstrated promising results in learning policies for complex tasks, but it often suffers from low sample efficiency and limited transferability.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Training Diffusion Models with Reinforcement Learning

2 code implementations22 May 2023 Kevin Black, Michael Janner, Yilun Du, Ilya Kostrikov, Sergey Levine

However, most use cases of diffusion models are not concerned with likelihoods, but instead with downstream objectives such as human-perceived image quality or drug effectiveness.

Decision Making Denoising +4

Real-Time, Flight-Ready, Non-Cooperative Spacecraft Pose Estimation Using Monocular Imagery

no code implementations23 Jan 2021 Kevin Black, Shrivu Shankar, Daniel Fonseka, Jacob Deutsch, Abhimanyu Dhir, Maruthi R. Akella

A key requirement for autonomous on-orbit proximity operations is the estimation of a target spacecraft's relative pose (position and orientation).

Pose Estimation Position +2

A Pipeline for Vision-Based On-Orbit Proximity Operations Using Deep Learning and Synthetic Imagery

no code implementations14 Jan 2021 Carson Schubert, Kevin Black, Daniel Fonseka, Abhimanyu Dhir, Jacob Deutsch, Nihal Dhamani, Gavin Martin, Maruthi Akella

Firstly, efficient implementation of these techniques relies on an effective system for model development that streamlines data curation, training, and evaluation.

Deep Learning Image Generation +1

Evaluating Lemmatization Models for Machine-Assisted Corpus-Dictionary Linkage

no code implementations LREC 2014 Kevin Black, Eric Ringger, Paul Felt, Kevin Seppi, Kristian Heal, Deryle Lonsdale

The task of corpus-dictionary linkage (CDL) is to annotate each word in a corpus with a link to an appropriate dictionary entry that documents the sense and usage of the word.

Lemmatization Morphological Analysis +2

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