Search Results for author: Kevin Chang

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Investigating Instruction Tuning Large Language Models on Graphs

1 code implementation10 Aug 2024 Kerui Zhu, Bo-Wei Huang, Bowen Jin, Yizhu Jiao, Ming Zhong, Kevin Chang, Shou-De Lin, Jiawei Han

Inspired by the recent advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) in NLP tasks, there's growing interest in applying LLMs to graph-related tasks.

Instruction Following

Exact and Cost-Effective Automated Transformation of Neural Network Controllers to Decision Tree Controllers

no code implementations11 Apr 2023 Kevin Chang, Nathan Dahlin, Rahul Jain, Pierluigi Nuzzo

Over the past decade, neural network (NN)-based controllers have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in a variety of decision-making tasks.

Decision Making OpenAI Gym

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