Search Results for author: Kevin Smith

Found 30 papers, 16 papers with code

Random Token Fusion for Multi-View Medical Diagnosis

no code implementations21 Oct 2024 Jingyu Guo, Christos Matsoukas, Fredrik Strand, Kevin Smith

In multi-view medical diagnosis, deep learning-based models often fuse information from different imaging perspectives to improve diagnostic performance.

Medical Diagnosis Medical Image Analysis

Learning from Offline Foundation Features with Tensor Augmentations

no code implementations3 Oct 2024 Emir Konuk, Christos Matsoukas, Moein Sorkhei, Phitchapha Lertsiravaramet, Kevin Smith

We introduce Learning from Offline Foundation Features with Tensor Augmentations (LOFF-TA), an efficient training scheme designed to harness the capabilities of foundation models in limited resource settings where their direct development is not feasible.

Evaluating Large Vision-and-Language Models on Children's Mathematical Olympiads

no code implementations22 Jun 2024 Anoop Cherian, Kuan-Chuan Peng, Suhas Lohit, Joanna Matthiesen, Kevin Smith, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Recent years have seen a significant progress in the general-purpose problem solving abilities of large vision and language models (LVLMs), such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.

Mathematical Reasoning

MAMOC: MRI Motion Correction via Masked Autoencoding

no code implementations23 May 2024 Lennart Alexander Van der Goten, Jingyu Guo, Kevin Smith

The presence of motion artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans poses a significant challenge, where even minor patient movements can lead to artifacts that may compromise the scan's utility. This paper introduces MAsked MOtion Correction (MAMOC), a novel method designed to address the issue of Retrospective Artifact Correction (RAC) in motion-affected MRI brain scans.

Transfer Learning

Bridging Generalization Gaps in High Content Imaging Through Online Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation

1 code implementation21 Nov 2023 Johan Fredin Haslum, Christos Matsoukas, Karl-Johan Leuchowius, Kevin Smith

CODA can be applied to new, unlabeled out-of-domain data sources of different sizes, from a single plate to multiple experimental batches.

Domain Adaptation Drug Discovery

Privacy Protection in MRI Scans Using 3D Masked Autoencoders

no code implementations24 Oct 2023 Lennart Alexander Van der Goten, Kevin Smith

Data anonymization and de-identification is concerned with ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of individuals' personal information.


Pretrained ViTs Yield Versatile Representations For Medical Images

1 code implementation13 Mar 2023 Christos Matsoukas, Johan Fredin Haslum, Moein Sorkhei, Magnus Söderberg, Kevin Smith

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have reigned for a decade as the de facto approach to automated medical image diagnosis, pushing the state-of-the-art in classification, detection and segmentation tasks.

Image Classification Medical Image Classification

Metadata-guided Consistency Learning for High Content Images

1 code implementation22 Dec 2022 Johan Fredin Haslum, Christos Matsoukas, Karl-Johan Leuchowius, Erik Müllers, Kevin Smith

High content imaging assays can capture rich phenotypic response data for large sets of compound treatments, aiding in the characterization and discovery of novel drugs.

Self-Supervised Learning Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Wide Range MRI Artifact Removal with Transformers

no code implementations14 Oct 2022 Lennart Alexander Van der Goten, Kevin Smith

Our method is realized through the design of a novel volumetric transformer-based neural network that generalizes a \emph{window-centered} approach popularized by the Swin transformer.

Skull Stripping

PatchDropout: Economizing Vision Transformers Using Patch Dropout

1 code implementation10 Aug 2022 Yue Liu, Christos Matsoukas, Fredrik Strand, Hossein Azizpour, Kevin Smith

This simple approach, PatchDropout, reduces FLOPs and memory by at least 50% in standard natural image datasets such as ImageNet, and those savings only increase with image size.

Image Classification Medical Image Classification

PSL is Dead. Long Live PSL

no code implementations27 May 2022 Kevin Smith, Hai Lin, Praveen Tiwari, Marjorie Sayer, Claudionor Coelho

In this paper, we show that by merging machine learning techniques with PSL monitors, we can extend PSL to work on continuous domains.

Anomaly Detection BIG-bench Machine Learning

CSAW-M: An Ordinal Classification Dataset for Benchmarking Mammographic Masking of Cancer

2 code implementations2 Dec 2021 Moein Sorkhei, Yue Liu, Hossein Azizpour, Edward Azavedo, Karin Dembrower, Dimitra Ntoula, Athanasios Zouzos, Fredrik Strand, Kevin Smith

Interval and large invasive breast cancers, which are associated with worse prognosis than other cancers, are usually detected at a late stage due to false negative assessments of screening mammograms.

Benchmarking Ordinal Classification

Conditional De-Identification of 3D Magnetic Resonance Images

no code implementations18 Oct 2021 Lennart Alexander Van der Goten, Tobias Hepp, Zeynep Akata, Kevin Smith

Solutions have been developed to de-identify diagnostic scans by obfuscating or removing parts of the face.


Should we Replace CNNs with Transformers for Medical Images?

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Christos Matsoukas, Johan Fredin Haslum, Moein Sorkhei, Magnus Soderberg, Kevin Smith

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have reigned for a decade as the de facto approach to automated medical image diagnosis, pushing the state-of-the-art in classification, detection and segmentation tasks.


Is it Time to Replace CNNs with Transformers for Medical Images?

1 code implementation20 Aug 2021 Christos Matsoukas, Johan Fredin Haslum, Magnus Söderberg, Kevin Smith

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have reigned for a decade as the de facto approach to automated medical image diagnosis.

Optimal asymptotic of the $J$ functional with respect to the $d_1$ metric

no code implementations7 Jan 2021 Tamás Darvas, Erin George, Kevin Smith

We obtain sharp inequalities between the large scale asymptotic of the $J$ functional with respect to the $d_1$ metric on the space of Kahler metrics.

Differential Geometry Complex Variables

Adversarial Privacy Preservation in MRI Scans of the Brain

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Lennart Alexander Van der Goten, Tobias Hepp, Zeynep Akata, Kevin Smith

De-identification of magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) is intrinsically difficult since, even with all metadata removed, a person's face can easily be rendered and matched against a database.


Adding Seemingly Uninformative Labels Helps in Low Data Regimes

2 code implementations ICML 2020 Christos Matsoukas, Albert Bou I Hernandez, Yue Liu, Karin Dembrower, Gisele Miranda, Emir Konuk, Johan Fredin Haslum, Athanasios Zouzos, Peter Lindholm, Fredrik Strand, Kevin Smith

Evidence suggests that networks trained on large datasets generalize well not solely because of the numerous training examples, but also class diversity which encourages learning of enriched features.

Diversity Tumor Segmentation

Decoupling Inherent Risk and Early Cancer Signs in Image-based Breast Cancer Risk Models

1 code implementation11 Jul 2020 Yue Liu, Hossein Azizpour, Fredrik Strand, Kevin Smith

With this in mind, we trained networks using three different criteria to select the positive training data (i. e. images from patients that will develop cancer): an inherent risk model trained on images with no visible signs of cancer, a cancer signs model trained on images containing cancer or early signs of cancer, and a conflated model trained on all images from patients with a cancer diagnosis.

Decision Making

Modeling Expectation Violation in Intuitive Physics with Coarse Probabilistic Object Representations

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Kevin Smith, Lingjie Mei, Shunyu Yao, Jiajun Wu, Elizabeth Spelke, Josh Tenenbaum, Tomer Ullman

We also present a new test set for measuring violations of physical expectations, using a range of scenarios derived from developmental psychology.

Scene Understanding

An empirical study of the relation between network architecture and complexity

no code implementations11 Nov 2019 Emir Konuk, Kevin Smith

In this preregistration submission, we propose an empirical study of how networks handle changes in complexity of the data.

Image Classification Relation

End-to-End Differentiable Physics for Learning and Control

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2018 Filipe de Avila Belbute-Peres, Kevin Smith, Kelsey Allen, Josh Tenenbaum, J. Zico Kolter

We present a differentiable physics engine that can be integrated as a module in deep neural networks for end-to-end learning.

Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation for Batch Normalized Deep Networks

4 code implementations18 Feb 2018 Mattias Teye, Hossein Azizpour, Kevin Smith

We show that training a deep network using batch normalization is equivalent to approximate inference in Bayesian models.

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