Search Results for author: Kevin Wu

Found 15 papers, 5 papers with code

High-Spatial Resolution Transmission and Storage Expansion Planning for High Renewable Grids: A Case Study

no code implementations5 Dec 2024 Kevin Wu, Rabab Haider, Pascal Van Hentenryck

Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP) is the process of optimizing the development and upgrade of the power grid to ensure reliable, efficient, and cost-effective electricity delivery while addressing grid constraints.

FineTuneBench: How well do commercial fine-tuning APIs infuse knowledge into LLMs?

1 code implementation7 Nov 2024 Eric Wu, Kevin Wu, James Zou

There is great interest in fine-tuning frontier large language models (LLMs) to inject new information and update existing knowledge.

Regulating AI Adaptation: An Analysis of AI Medical Device Updates

no code implementations22 Jun 2024 Kevin Wu, Eric Wu, Kit Rodolfa, Daniel E. Ho, James Zou

In particular, the adaptive nature of AI models presents unique challenges to regulators as updating a model can improve its performance but also introduce safety risks.

Marketing Pneumothorax Detection

ClashEval: Quantifying the tug-of-war between an LLM's internal prior and external evidence

1 code implementation16 Apr 2024 Kevin Wu, Eric Wu, James Zou

Conversely, when the model's initial response is incorrect, does it always know to use the retrieved information to correct itself, or does it insist on its wrong prior response?

Question Answering RAG +1

Strong Mixed-Integer Formulations for Transmission Expansion Planning with FACTS Devices

no code implementations3 Oct 2023 Kevin Wu, Mathieu Tanneau, Pascal Van Hentenryck

Transmission Network Expansion Planning (TNEP) problems find the most economical way of expanding a given grid given long-term growth in generation capacity and demand patterns.

DataInf: Efficiently Estimating Data Influence in LoRA-tuned LLMs and Diffusion Models

1 code implementation2 Oct 2023 Yongchan Kwon, Eric Wu, Kevin Wu, James Zou

Quantifying the impact of training data points is crucial for understanding the outputs of machine learning models and for improving the transparency of the AI pipeline.

Influence Approximation parameter-efficient fine-tuning

Explaining medical AI performance disparities across sites with confounder Shapley value analysis

no code implementations12 Nov 2021 Eric Wu, Kevin Wu, James Zou

Medical AI algorithms can often experience degraded performance when evaluated on previously unseen sites.

Synthesizing lesions using contextual GANs improves breast cancer classification on mammograms

no code implementations MIDL 2019 Eric Wu, Kevin Wu, William Lotter

Breast cancer classification in mammography exemplifies these challenges, with a malignancy rate of around 0. 5% in a screening population, which is compounded by the relatively small size of lesions (~1% of the image) in malignant cases.

Cancer Classification Data Augmentation +2

Validation of a deep learning mammography model in a population with low screening rates

no code implementations1 Nov 2019 Kevin Wu, Eric Wu, Yaping Wu, Hongna Tan, Greg Sorensen, Meiyun Wang, Bill Lotter

We specifically explore how a deep learning algorithm trained on screening mammograms from the US and UK generalizes to mammograms collected at a hospital in China, where screening is not widely implemented.

Breast Cancer Detection

Mixed Membership Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations23 Dec 2018 Ghazal Fazelnia, Mark Ibrahim, Ceena Modarres, Kevin Wu, John Paisley

Models for sequential data such as the recurrent neural network (RNN) often implicitly model a sequence as having a fixed time interval between observations and do not account for group-level effects when multiple sequences are observed.

Dynamic Topic Modeling

Learning Scene Gist with Convolutional Neural Networks to Improve Object Recognition

no code implementations6 Mar 2018 Kevin Wu, Eric Wu, Gabriel Kreiman

We use a biologically inspired two-part convolutional neural network ('GistNet') that models the fovea and periphery to provide a proof-of-principle demonstration that computational object recognition can significantly benefit from the gist of the scene as contextual information.

Object Object Recognition +1

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