Search Results for author: Kewei Yang

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Disentangled Representation via Variational AutoEncoder for Continuous Treatment Effect Estimation

no code implementations4 Jun 2024 Ruijing Cui, Jianbin Sun, Bingyu He, Kewei Yang, Bingfeng Ge

However, current methods for estimating dose-response curves hinge on balancing the entire representation by treating all covariates as confounding variables.

Decision Making

LookinGood^π: Real-time Person-independent Neural Re-rendering for High-quality Human Performance Capture

no code implementations15 Dec 2021 Xiqi Yang, Kewei Yang, Kang Chen, Weidong Zhang, Weiwei Xu

The guidance of the rendered image is realized by blending features from two branches effectively in the training of the detail branch, which improves both the warping accuracy and the details' fidelity.

Neural Rendering

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