Search Results for author: Keyon Vafa

Found 10 papers, 8 papers with code

Estimating Wage Disparities Using Foundation Models

no code implementations15 Sep 2024 Keyon Vafa, Susan Athey, David M. Blei

Classical methods for decomposing the wage gap employ simple predictive models of wages which condition on a small set of simple summaries of labor history.

LABOR-LLM: Language-Based Occupational Representations with Large Language Models

no code implementations25 Jun 2024 Tianyu Du, Ayush Kanodia, Herman Brunborg, Keyon Vafa, Susan Athey

For the task of next job prediction, we demonstrate that models trained with our approach outperform several alternatives in terms of predictive performance on the survey data, including traditional econometric models, CAREER, and LLMs with in-context learning, even though the LLM can in principle predict job titles that are not allowed in the survey data.

In-Context Learning Job Prediction +2

Evaluating the World Model Implicit in a Generative Model

1 code implementation6 Jun 2024 Keyon Vafa, Justin Y. Chen, Jon Kleinberg, Sendhil Mullainathan, Ashesh Rambachan

Building generative models that meaningfully capture the underlying logic of the domains they model would be immensely valuable; our results suggest new ways to assess how close a given model is to that goal.

Logical Reasoning

Do Large Language Models Perform the Way People Expect? Measuring the Human Generalization Function

1 code implementation3 Jun 2024 Keyon Vafa, Ashesh Rambachan, Sendhil Mullainathan

Our results show that -- especially for cases where the cost of mistakes is high -- more capable models (e. g. GPT-4) can do worse on the instances people choose to use them for, exactly because they are not aligned with the human generalization function.

Diversity MMLU

Revisiting Topic-Guided Language Models

1 code implementation4 Dec 2023 Carolina Zheng, Keyon Vafa, David M. Blei

A recent line of work in natural language processing has aimed to combine language models and topic models.

Language Modelling Topic Models

An Invariant Learning Characterization of Controlled Text Generation

1 code implementation31 May 2023 Carolina Zheng, Claudia Shi, Keyon Vafa, Amir Feder, David M. Blei

In this paper, we show that the performance of controlled generation may be poor if the distributions of text in response to user prompts differ from the distribution the predictor was trained on.

Attribute Language Modelling +2

CAREER: A Foundation Model for Labor Sequence Data

1 code implementation16 Feb 2022 Keyon Vafa, Emil Palikot, Tianyu Du, Ayush Kanodia, Susan Athey, David M. Blei

We fit CAREER to a dataset of 24 million job sequences from resumes, and adjust it on small longitudinal survey datasets.

Language Modelling Transfer Learning

Rationales for Sequential Predictions

2 code implementations EMNLP 2021 Keyon Vafa, Yuntian Deng, David M. Blei, Alexander M. Rush

Compared to existing baselines, greedy rationalization is best at optimizing the combinatorial objective and provides the most faithful rationales.

Combinatorial Optimization Language Modelling +2

Text-Based Ideal Points

1 code implementation ACL 2020 Keyon Vafa, Suresh Naidu, David M. Blei

In this paper, we introduce the text-based ideal point model (TBIP), an unsupervised probabilistic topic model that analyzes texts to quantify the political positions of its authors.

Discrete Flows: Invertible Generative Models of Discrete Data

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Dustin Tran, Keyon Vafa, Kumar Krishna Agrawal, Laurent Dinh, Ben Poole

While normalizing flows have led to significant advances in modeling high-dimensional continuous distributions, their applicability to discrete distributions remains unknown.

Language Modelling

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