Search Results for author: Keyu Wu

Found 10 papers, 3 papers with code

Graph-attention-based Casual Discovery with Trust Region-navigated Clipping Policy Optimization

no code implementations27 Dec 2024 Shixuan Liu, Yanghe Feng, Keyu Wu, Guangquan Cheng, Jincai Huang, Zhong Liu

The two keys to the overall performance of the procedure are the robustness of RL methods and the efficient encoding of variables.

Causal Discovery Graph Attention +1

Reinforced Knowledge Distillation for Time Series Regression

1 code implementation IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 2024 Qing Xu, Keyu Wu, Min Wu, Kezhi Mao, XiaoLi Li, and Zhenghua Chen

As one of the most popular and effective methods in model compression, knowledge distillation (KD) attempts to transfer knowledge from single or multiple large-scale networks (i. e., Teachers) to a compact network (i. e., Student).

Knowledge Distillation Model Compression +3

Self-evolving Autoencoder Embedded Q-Network

no code implementations18 Feb 2024 J. Senthilnath, Bangjian Zhou, Zhen Wei Ng, Deeksha Aggarwal, Rajdeep Dutta, Ji Wei Yoon, Aye Phyu Phyu Aung, Keyu Wu, Min Wu, XiaoLi Li

During the evolution of the autoencoder architecture, a bias-variance regulatory strategy is employed to elicit the optimal response from the RL agent.

Decision Making Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

UAV 3-D path planning based on MOEA/D with adaptive areal weight adjustment

no code implementations20 Aug 2023 Yougang Xiao, Hao Yang, Huan Liu, Keyu Wu, Guohua Wu

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are desirable platforms for time-efficient and cost-effective task execution.

Decision Making Diversity

Multi-ship cooperative air defense model based on queuing theory

no code implementations13 May 2022 Zhongyao Ma, Keyu Wu, Zhong Liu

Finally, through simulation experiments in typical scenarios, this paper studies and compares the air defense capabilities of the system in two different modes with and without coordination, and verifies the superiority of the multi-ship cooperative air defense model in reducing the probability of missile penetration; Further, the ability changes of the defense system under different parameters such as missile speed, speed, angle, ship interception rate, range, and number of fire units are studied, and the weak points of the defense formation, defense range settings, and interception settings are obtained.

NeuralHDHair: Automatic High-fidelity Hair Modeling from a Single Image Using Implicit Neural Representations

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Keyu Wu, Yifan Ye, Lingchen Yang, Hongbo Fu, Kun Zhou, Youyi Zheng

To improve the efficiency of a traditional hair growth algorithm, we adopt a local neural implicit function to grow strands based on the estimated 3D hair geometric features.

Source-free Video Domain Adaptation by Learning Temporal Consistency for Action Recognition

1 code implementation9 Mar 2022 Yuecong Xu, Jianfei Yang, Haozhi Cao, Keyu Wu, Wu Min, Zhenghua Chen

Video-based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (VUDA) methods improve the robustness of video models, enabling them to be applied to action recognition tasks across different environments.

Action Recognition Source-Free Domain Adaptation +1

Multi-Source Video Domain Adaptation with Temporal Attentive Moment Alignment

no code implementations21 Sep 2021 Yuecong Xu, Jianfei Yang, Haozhi Cao, Keyu Wu, Min Wu, Rui Zhao, Zhenghua Chen

Multi-Source Domain Adaptation (MSDA) is a more practical domain adaptation scenario in real-world scenarios.

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Learn to Steer through Deep Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation Sensors 2018 Keyu Wu, Mahdi Abolfazli Esfahani, Shenghai Yuan, Han Wang

It is worth noting that the developed system is readily transferable from virtual training scenarios to real-world deployment without any fine-tuning by utilizing depth images.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

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