Search Results for author: Khushboo Mehra

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Visual Writing Prompts: Character-Grounded Story Generation with Curated Image Sequences

no code implementations20 Jan 2023 Xudong Hong, Asad Sayeed, Khushboo Mehra, Vera Demberg, Bernt Schiele

The image sequences are aligned with a total of 12K stories which were collected via crowdsourcing given the image sequences and a set of grounded characters from the corresponding image sequence.

Coherence Evaluation Grounded language learning +3

Data Augmentation using Feature Generation for Volumetric Medical Images

no code implementations28 Sep 2022 Khushboo Mehra, Hassan Soliman, Soumya Ranjan Sahoo

Deep Learning models, in particular, show promising results on image segmentation and classification problems, but they require very large datasets for training.

Data Augmentation Image Classification +5

Diverse and Relevant Visual Storytelling with Scene Graph Embeddings

no code implementations CONLL 2020 Xudong Hong, Rakshith Shetty, Asad Sayeed, Khushboo Mehra, Vera Demberg, Bernt Schiele

A problem in automatically generated stories for image sequences is that they use overly generic vocabulary and phrase structure and fail to match the distributional characteristics of human-generated text.

Diversity Visual Storytelling

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