Search Results for author: Kirill Antonov

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

A Functional Analysis Approach to Symbolic Regression

no code implementations9 Feb 2024 Kirill Antonov, Roman Kalkreuth, Kaifeng Yang, Thomas Bäck, Niki van Stein, Anna V Kononova

The superior performance of the proposed algorithm and insights into the limitations of GP open the way for further advancing GP for SR and related areas of explainable machine learning.

Benchmarking regression +1

High Dimensional Bayesian Optimization with Kernel Principal Component Analysis

no code implementations28 Apr 2022 Kirill Antonov, Elena Raponi, Hao Wang, Carola Doerr

Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a surrogate-based global optimization strategy that relies on a Gaussian Process regression (GPR) model to approximate the objective function and an acquisition function to suggest candidate points.

Bayesian Optimization GPR +2

Blending Dynamic Programming with Monte Carlo Simulation for Bounding the Running Time of Evolutionary Algorithms

no code implementations23 Feb 2021 Kirill Antonov, Maxim Buzdalov, Arina Buzdalova, Carola Doerr

With the goal to provide absolute lower bounds for the best possible running times that can be achieved by $(1+\lambda)$-type search heuristics on common benchmark problems, we recently suggested a dynamic programming approach that computes optimal expected running times and the regret values inferred when deviating from the optimal parameter choice.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Offspring Population Size Matters when Comparing Evolutionary Algorithms with Self-Adjusting Mutation Rates

no code implementations17 Apr 2019 Anna Rodionova, Kirill Antonov, Arina Buzdalova, Carola Doerr

We observe that for the 2-rate EA and the EA with multiplicative update rules the more generous bound $p_{\min}=1/n^2$ gives better results than $p_{\min}=1/n$ when $\lambda$ is small.

Evolutionary Algorithms

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