Search Results for author: Kirk Pruhs

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Relational Boosted Regression Trees

no code implementations25 Jul 2021 Sonia Cromp, Alireza Samadian, Kirk Pruhs

Many tasks use data housed in relational databases to train boosted regression tree models.


Relational Algorithms for k-means Clustering

no code implementations1 Aug 2020 Benjamin Moseley, Kirk Pruhs, Alireza Samadian, Yuyan Wang

Few relational algorithms are known and this paper offers techniques for designing relational algorithms as well as characterizing their limitations.

Clustering Relational Reasoning

A Relational Gradient Descent Algorithm For Support Vector Machine Training

no code implementations11 May 2020 Mahmoud Abo-Khamis, Sungjin Im, Benjamin Moseley, Kirk Pruhs, Alireza Samadian

We consider gradient descent like algorithms for Support Vector Machine (SVM) training when the data is in relational form.

Approximate Aggregate Queries Under Additive Inequalities

no code implementations24 Mar 2020 Mahmoud Abo-Khamis, Sungjin Im, Benjamin Moseley, Kirk Pruhs, Alireza Samadian

In contrast, we show that the situation with two additive inequalities is quite different, by showing that it is NP-hard to evaluate simple aggregation queries, with two additive inequalities, with any bounded relative error.

On Coresets for Regularized Loss Minimization

no code implementations26 May 2019 Ryan R. Curtin, Sungjin Im, Ben Moseley, Kirk Pruhs, Alireza Samadian

Our main result is that if the regularizer's effect does not become negligible as the norm of the hypothesis scales, and as the data scales, then a uniform sample of modest size is with high probability a coreset.

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