no code implementations • 11 Mar 2020 • Stefan Studer, Thanh Binh Bui, Christian Drescher, Alexander Hanuschkin, Ludwig Winkler, Steven Peters, Klaus-Robert Mueller
The sixth phase covers state-of-the-art approaches for monitoring and maintenance of a machine learning applications, as the risk of model degradation in a changing environment is eminent.
no code implementations • NIPS Workshop CDNNRIA 2018 • Simon Wiedemann, Klaus-Robert Mueller, Wojciech Samek
However, most of these common matrix storage formats make strong statistical assumptions about the distribution of the elements in the matrix, and can therefore not efficiently represent the entire set of matrices that exhibit low entropy statistics (thus, the entire set of compressed neural network weight matrices).
no code implementations • 11 Sep 2016 • Wikor Pronobis, Danny Panknin, Johannes Kirschnick, Vignesh Srinivasan, Wojciech Samek, Volker Markl, Manohar Kaul, Klaus-Robert Mueller, Shinichi Nakajima
In this paper, we propose {multiple purpose LSH (mp-LSH) which shares the hash codes for different dissimilarities.
no code implementations • 6 Dec 2009 • David Baehrens, Timon Schroeter, Stefan Harmeling, Motoaki Kawanabe, Katja Hansen, Klaus-Robert Mueller
After building a classifier with modern tools of machine learning we typically have a black box at hand that is able to predict well for unseen data.