Search Results for author: Kobi Gal

Found 12 papers, 3 papers with code

Learning Aggregation Rules in Participatory Budgeting: A Data-Driven Approach

no code implementations1 Dec 2024 Roy Fairstein, Dan Vilenchik, Kobi Gal

Participatory Budgeting (PB) offers a democratic process for communities to allocate public funds across various projects through voting.

Automatic Creativity Measurement in Scratch Programs Across Modalities

no code implementations7 Nov 2022 Anastasia Kovalkov, Benjamin Paaßen, Avi Segal, Niels Pinkwart, Kobi Gal

Promoting creativity is considered an important goal of education, but creativity is notoriously hard to measure. In this paper, we make the journey fromdefining a formal measure of creativity that is efficientlycomputable to applying the measure in a practical domain.

Detecting Suicide Risk in Online Counseling Services: A Study in a Low-Resource Language

1 code implementation COLING 2022 Amir Bialer, Daniel Izmaylov, Avi Segal, Oren Tsur, Yossi Levi-Belz, Kobi Gal

With the increased awareness of situations of mental crisis and their societal impact, online services providing emergency support are becoming commonplace in many countries.

MultiplexNet: Towards Fully Satisfied Logical Constraints in Neural Networks

1 code implementation2 Nov 2021 Nicholas Hoernle, Rafael Michael Karampatsis, Vaishak Belle, Kobi Gal

In contrast, our approach, called MultiplexNet, represents domain knowledge as a logical formula in disjunctive normal form (DNF) which is easy to encode and to elicit from human experts.

Density Estimation

Personalization in Human-AI Teams: Improving the Compatibility-Accuracy Tradeoff

no code implementations5 Apr 2020 Jonathan Martinez, Kobi Gal, Ece Kamar, Levi H. S. Lelis

AI systems that model and interact with users can update their models over time to reflect new information and changes in the environment.

Applying Transparency in Artificial Intelligence based Personalization Systems

no code implementations2 Apr 2020 Laura Schelenz, Avi Segal, Kobi Gal

We encourage researchers to adopt the checklist in various environments and to work towards a consensus-based tool for measuring transparency in the personalization community.


The Phantom Steering Effect in Q&A Websites

2 code implementations14 Feb 2020 Nicholas Hoernle, Gregory Kehne, Ariel D. Procaccia, Kobi Gal

Moreover, we conduct a qualitative survey of the users on Stack Overflow which provides further evidence that the insights from the model reflect the true behavior of the community.

EduBERT: Pretrained Deep Language Models for Learning Analytics

no code implementations2 Dec 2019 Benjamin Clavié, Kobi Gal

The use of large pretrained neural networks to create contextualized word embeddings has drastically improved performance on several natural language processing (NLP) tasks.

text-classification Text Classification +1

Interpretable Models for Understanding Immersive Simulations

no code implementations24 Sep 2019 Nicholas Hoernle, Kobi Gal, Barbara Grosz, Leilah Lyons, Ada Ren, Andee Rubin

We compared the performance of the models on these interpretability tests to their performance on statistical information criteria.

Model Selection Time Series +1

A difficulty ranking approach to personalization in E-learning

no code implementations28 Jul 2019 Avi Segal, Kobi Gal, Guy Shani, Bracha Shapira

EduRank constructs a difficulty ranking for each student by aggregating the rankings of similar students using different aspects of their performance on common questions.

Collaborative Filtering

Combining Difficulty Ranking with Multi-Armed Bandits to Sequence Educational Content

no code implementations14 Apr 2018 Avi Segal, Yossi Ben David, Joseph Jay Williams, Kobi Gal, Yaar Shalom

We present a new computational approach to this problem called MAPLE (Multi-Armed Bandits based Personalization for Learning Environments) that combines difficulty ranking with multi-armed bandits.

Multi-Armed Bandits

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