Search Results for author: Konstantinos Poularakis

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Robust and Resource-efficient Machine Learning Aided Viewport Prediction in Virtual Reality

no code implementations20 Dec 2022 Yuang Jiang, Konstantinos Poularakis, Diego Kiedanski, Sastry Kompella, Leandros Tassiulas

In this work, we propose a novel meta learning based viewport prediction paradigm to alleviate the worst prediction performance and ensure the robustness of viewport prediction.


State Action Separable Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations5 Jun 2020 Ziyao Zhang, Liang Ma, Kin K. Leung, Konstantinos Poularakis, Mudhakar Srivatsa

We observe that although actions directly define the agents' behaviors, for many problems the next state after a state transition matters more than the action taken, in determining the return of such a state transition.

Decision Making reinforcement-learning +2

MACS: Deep Reinforcement Learning based SDN Controller Synchronization Policy Design

no code implementations19 Sep 2019 Ziyao Zhang, Liang Ma, Konstantinos Poularakis, Kin K. Leung, Jeremy Tucker, Ananthram Swami

In distributed software-defined networks (SDN), multiple physical SDN controllers, each managing a network domain, are implemented to balance centralised control, scalability, and reliability requirements.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

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