Search Results for author: Koyo Sagehashi

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Optical hyperdimensional soft sensing: Speckle-based touch interface and tactile sensor

no code implementations6 Jan 2024 Kei Kitagawa, Kohei Tsuji, Koyo Sagehashi, Tomoaki Niiyama, Satoshi Sunada

Hyperdimensional computing (HDC) is an emerging computing paradigm that exploits the distributed representation of input data in a hyperdimensional space, the dimensions of which are typically between 1, 000--10, 000.

Optical skin: Sensor-integration-free multimodal flexible sensing

no code implementations3 Feb 2022 Sho Shimadera, Kei Kitagawa, Koyo Sagehashi, Tomoaki Niiyama, Satoshi Sunada

The proposed approach is based on an optical interference technique, which can encode the information of various stimuli as a spatial pattern.

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