Search Results for author: Krishna Gummadi

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Auditing Black-Box Prediction Models for Data Minimization Compliance

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Bashir Rastegarpanah, Krishna Gummadi, Mark Crovella

In this paper, we focus on auditing black-box prediction models for compliance with the GDPR’s data minimization principle.


The Price of Local Fairness in Multistage Selection

1 code implementation15 Jun 2019 Vitalii Emelianov, George Arvanitakis, Nicolas Gast, Krishna Gummadi, Patrick Loiseau

In particular, our experiments show that the price of local fairness is generally smaller when the sensitive attribute is observed at the first stage; but globally fair selections are more locally fair when the sensitive attribute is observed at the second stage---hence in both cases it is often possible to have a selection that has a small price of local fairness and is close to locally fair.

Attribute Decision Making +1

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