Search Results for author: Krzysztof Postek

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Robust Losses for Decision-Focused Learning

1 code implementation6 Oct 2023 Noah Schutte, Krzysztof Postek, Neil Yorke-Smith

To understand the impact of this deficiency, we evaluate the effect of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty on the accuracy of empirical regret as a surrogate.

First-order algorithms for robust optimization problems via convex-concave saddle-point Lagrangian reformulation

no code implementations7 Jan 2021 Krzysztof Postek, Shimrit Shtern

Robust optimization (RO) is one of the key paradigms for solving optimization problems affected by uncertainty.

Optimization and Control

Global optimality in model predictive control via hidden invariant convexity

1 code implementation14 Jul 2020 Jorn H. Baayen, Krzysztof Postek

Non-convex optimal control problems occurring in, e. g., water or power systems, typically involve a large number of variables related through nonlinear equality constraints.

Optimization and Control Systems and Control Systems and Control

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