Search Results for author: Kuan Xu

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

ChorusCVR: Chorus Supervision for Entire Space Post-Click Conversion Rate Modeling

no code implementations12 Feb 2025 Wei Cheng, Yucheng Lu, Boyang xia, Jiangxia Cao, Kuan Xu, Mingxing Wen, Wei Jiang, Jiaming Zhang, Zhaojie Liu, Kun Gai, Guorui Zhou

Post-click conversion rate (CVR) estimation is a vital task in many recommender systems of revenue businesses, e. g., e-commerce and advertising.

An Efficient Scene Coordinate Encoding and Relocalization Method

1 code implementation9 Dec 2024 Kuan Xu, Zeyu Jiang, Haozhi Cao, Shenghai Yuan, Chen Wang, Lihua Xie

Scene Coordinate Regression (SCR) is a visual localization technique that utilizes deep neural networks (DNN) to directly regress 2D-3D correspondences for camera pose estimation.

Camera Pose Estimation Keypoint Detection +1

Enhancing Column Generation by Reinforcement Learning-Based Hyper-Heuristic for Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems

no code implementations15 Oct 2023 Kuan Xu, Li Shen, Lindong Liu

In addition, we specify RLHH to solve two typical combinatorial optimization problems: Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) and Bus Driver Scheduling Problem (BDSP).

Combinatorial Optimization Scheduling

Knowledge Graph Completion based on Tensor Decomposition for Disease Gene Prediction

1 code implementation18 Feb 2023 Xinyan Wang, Ting Jia, Chongyu Wang, Kuan Xu, Zixin Shu, Jian Yu, Kuo Yang, Xuezhong Zhou

In this paper, we construct a biological knowledge graph centered on diseases and genes, and develop an end-to-end Knowledge graph completion model for Disease Gene Prediction using interactional tensor decomposition (called KDGene).

Knowledge Graph Completion Tensor Decomposition

A Pre-training Framework for Knowledge Graph Completion

no code implementations6 Feb 2023 Kuan Xu, Kuo Yang, Hanyang Dong, Xinyan Wang, Jian Yu, Xuezhong Zhou

Knowledge graph completion (KGC) is one of the effective methods to identify new facts in knowledge graph.

Knowledge Graph Completion

AirObject: A Temporally Evolving Graph Embedding for Object Identification

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Nikhil Varma Keetha, Chen Wang, Yuheng Qiu, Kuan Xu, Sebastian Scherer

In this context, we propose a novel temporal 3D object encoding approach, dubbed AirObject, to obtain global keypoint graph-based embeddings of objects.

Graph Attention Graph Embedding +2

SeaD: End-to-end Text-to-SQL Generation with Schema-aware Denoising

1 code implementation Findings (NAACL) 2022 Kuan Xu, Yongbo Wang, Yongliang Wang, Zujie Wen, Yang Dong

In text-to-SQL task, seq-to-seq models often lead to sub-optimal performance due to limitations in their architecture.

Decoder Denoising +3

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