no code implementations • COLING 2022 • Zhitong Yang, Bo wang, Jinfeng Zhou, Yue Tan, Dongming Zhao, Kun Huang, Ruifang He, Yuexian Hou
We design a global reinforcement learning with the planned paths to flexibly adjust the local response generation model towards the global target.
no code implementations • COLING 2022 • Jinfeng Zhou, Bo wang, Zhitong Yang, Dongming Zhao, Kun Huang, Ruifang He, Yuexian Hou
In CRS, implicit patterns of user interest sequence guide the smooth transition of dialog utterances to the goal item.
1 code implementation • 4 Nov 2024 • Kun Huang, Fang-Lue Zhang, Fangfang Zhang, Yu-Kun Lai, Paul Rosin, Neil A. Dodgson
Our first innovation is our MTL architecture, which enhances predictions for both tasks by integrating geometric information from depth and surface normal estimation, enabling a deeper understanding of 3D scene structure.
no code implementations • 28 Sep 2024 • Betina Idnay, Zihan Xu, William G. Adams, Mohammad Adibuzzaman, Nicholas R. Anderson, Neil Bahroos, Douglas S. Bell, Cody Bumgardner, Thomas Campion, Mario Castro, James J. Cimino, I. Glenn Cohen, David Dorr, Peter L Elkin, Jungwei W. Fan, Todd Ferris, David J. Foran, David Hanauer, Mike Hogarth, Kun Huang, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Manoj Kandpal, Niranjan S. Karnik, Avnish Katoch, Albert M. Lai, Christophe G. Lambert, Lang Li, Christopher Lindsell, Jinze Liu, Zhiyong Lu, Yuan Luo, Peter McGarvey, Eneida A. Mendonca, Parsa Mirhaji, Shawn Murphy, John D. Osborne, Ioannis C. Paschalidis, Paul A. Harris, Fred Prior, Nicholas J. Shaheen, Nawar Shara, Ida Sim, Umberto Tachinardi, Lemuel R. Waitman, Rosalind J. Wright, Adrian H. Zai, Kai Zheng, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Bradley A. Malin, Karthik Natarajan, W. Nicholson Price II, Rui Zhang, Yiye Zhang, Hua Xu, Jiang Bian, Chunhua Weng, Yifan Peng
This study reports a comprehensive environmental scan of the generative AI (GenAI) infrastructure in the national network for clinical and translational science across 36 institutions supported by the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program led by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at the United States.
2 code implementations • 31 Jul 2024 • Aaron Grattafiori, Abhimanyu Dubey, Abhinav Jauhri, Abhinav Pandey, Abhishek Kadian, Ahmad Al-Dahle, Aiesha Letman, Akhil Mathur, Alan Schelten, Alex Vaughan, Amy Yang, Angela Fan, Anirudh Goyal, Anthony Hartshorn, Aobo Yang, Archi Mitra, Archie Sravankumar, Artem Korenev, Arthur Hinsvark, Arun Rao, Aston Zhang, Aurelien Rodriguez, Austen Gregerson, Ava Spataru, Baptiste Roziere, Bethany Biron, Binh Tang, Bobbie Chern, Charlotte Caucheteux, Chaya Nayak, Chloe Bi, Chris Marra, Chris McConnell, Christian Keller, Christophe Touret, Chunyang Wu, Corinne Wong, Cristian Canton Ferrer, Cyrus Nikolaidis, Damien Allonsius, Daniel Song, Danielle Pintz, Danny Livshits, Danny Wyatt, David Esiobu, Dhruv Choudhary, Dhruv Mahajan, Diego Garcia-Olano, Diego Perino, Dieuwke Hupkes, Egor Lakomkin, Ehab AlBadawy, Elina Lobanova, Emily Dinan, Eric Michael Smith, Filip Radenovic, Francisco Guzmán, Frank Zhang, Gabriel Synnaeve, Gabrielle Lee, Georgia Lewis Anderson, Govind Thattai, Graeme Nail, Gregoire Mialon, Guan Pang, Guillem Cucurell, Hailey Nguyen, Hannah Korevaar, Hu Xu, Hugo Touvron, Iliyan Zarov, Imanol Arrieta Ibarra, Isabel Kloumann, Ishan Misra, Ivan Evtimov, Jack Zhang, Jade Copet, Jaewon Lee, Jan Geffert, Jana Vranes, Jason Park, Jay Mahadeokar, Jeet Shah, Jelmer Van der Linde, Jennifer Billock, Jenny Hong, Jenya Lee, Jeremy Fu, Jianfeng Chi, Jianyu Huang, Jiawen Liu, Jie Wang, Jiecao Yu, Joanna Bitton, Joe Spisak, Jongsoo Park, Joseph Rocca, Joshua Johnstun, Joshua Saxe, Junteng Jia, Kalyan Vasuden Alwala, Karthik Prasad, Kartikeya Upasani, Kate Plawiak, Ke Li, Kenneth Heafield, Kevin Stone, Khalid El-Arini, Krithika Iyer, Kshitiz Malik, Kuenley Chiu, Kunal Bhalla, Kushal Lakhotia, Lauren Rantala-Yeary, Laurens van der Maaten, Lawrence Chen, Liang Tan, Liz Jenkins, Louis Martin, Lovish Madaan, Lubo Malo, Lukas Blecher, Lukas Landzaat, Luke de Oliveira, Madeline Muzzi, Mahesh Pasupuleti, Mannat Singh, Manohar Paluri, Marcin Kardas, Maria Tsimpoukelli, Mathew Oldham, Mathieu Rita, Maya Pavlova, Melanie Kambadur, Mike Lewis, Min Si, Mitesh Kumar Singh, Mona Hassan, Naman Goyal, Narjes Torabi, Nikolay Bashlykov, Nikolay Bogoychev, Niladri Chatterji, Ning Zhang, Olivier Duchenne, Onur Çelebi, Patrick Alrassy, Pengchuan Zhang, Pengwei Li, Petar Vasic, Peter Weng, Prajjwal Bhargava, Pratik Dubal, Praveen Krishnan, Punit Singh Koura, Puxin Xu, Qing He, Qingxiao Dong, Ragavan Srinivasan, Raj Ganapathy, Ramon Calderer, Ricardo Silveira Cabral, Robert Stojnic, Roberta Raileanu, Rohan Maheswari, Rohit Girdhar, Rohit Patel, Romain Sauvestre, Ronnie Polidoro, Roshan Sumbaly, Ross Taylor, Ruan Silva, Rui Hou, Rui Wang, Saghar Hosseini, Sahana Chennabasappa, Sanjay Singh, Sean Bell, Seohyun Sonia Kim, Sergey Edunov, Shaoliang Nie, Sharan Narang, Sharath Raparthy, Sheng Shen, Shengye Wan, Shruti Bhosale, Shun Zhang, Simon Vandenhende, Soumya Batra, Spencer Whitman, Sten Sootla, Stephane Collot, Suchin Gururangan, Sydney Borodinsky, Tamar Herman, Tara Fowler, Tarek Sheasha, Thomas Georgiou, Thomas Scialom, Tobias Speckbacher, Todor Mihaylov, Tong Xiao, Ujjwal Karn, Vedanuj Goswami, Vibhor Gupta, Vignesh Ramanathan, Viktor Kerkez, Vincent Gonguet, Virginie Do, Vish Vogeti, Vítor Albiero, Vladan Petrovic, Weiwei Chu, Wenhan Xiong, Wenyin Fu, Whitney Meers, Xavier Martinet, Xiaodong Wang, Xiaofang Wang, Xiaoqing Ellen Tan, Xide Xia, Xinfeng Xie, Xuchao Jia, Xuewei Wang, Yaelle Goldschlag, Yashesh Gaur, Yasmine Babaei, Yi Wen, Yiwen Song, Yuchen Zhang, Yue Li, Yuning Mao, Zacharie Delpierre Coudert, Zheng Yan, Zhengxing Chen, Zoe Papakipos, Aaditya Singh, Aayushi Srivastava, Abha Jain, Adam Kelsey, Adam Shajnfeld, Adithya Gangidi, Adolfo Victoria, Ahuva Goldstand, Ajay Menon, Ajay Sharma, Alex Boesenberg, Alexei Baevski, Allie Feinstein, Amanda Kallet, Amit Sangani, Amos Teo, Anam Yunus, Andrei Lupu, Andres Alvarado, Andrew Caples, Andrew Gu, Andrew Ho, Andrew Poulton, Andrew Ryan, Ankit Ramchandani, Annie Dong, Annie Franco, Anuj Goyal, Aparajita Saraf, Arkabandhu Chowdhury, Ashley Gabriel, Ashwin Bharambe, Assaf Eisenman, Azadeh Yazdan, Beau James, Ben Maurer, Benjamin Leonhardi, Bernie Huang, Beth Loyd, Beto De Paola, Bhargavi Paranjape, Bing Liu, Bo Wu, Boyu Ni, Braden Hancock, Bram Wasti, Brandon Spence, Brani Stojkovic, Brian Gamido, Britt Montalvo, Carl Parker, Carly Burton, Catalina Mejia, Ce Liu, Changhan Wang, Changkyu Kim, Chao Zhou, Chester Hu, Ching-Hsiang Chu, Chris Cai, Chris Tindal, Christoph Feichtenhofer, Cynthia Gao, Damon Civin, Dana Beaty, Daniel Kreymer, Daniel Li, David Adkins, David Xu, Davide Testuggine, Delia David, Devi Parikh, Diana Liskovich, Didem Foss, Dingkang Wang, Duc Le, Dustin Holland, Edward Dowling, Eissa Jamil, Elaine Montgomery, Eleonora Presani, Emily Hahn, Emily Wood, Eric-Tuan Le, Erik Brinkman, Esteban Arcaute, Evan Dunbar, Evan Smothers, Fei Sun, Felix Kreuk, Feng Tian, Filippos Kokkinos, Firat Ozgenel, Francesco Caggioni, Frank Kanayet, Frank Seide, Gabriela Medina Florez, Gabriella Schwarz, Gada Badeer, Georgia Swee, Gil Halpern, Grant Herman, Grigory Sizov, Guangyi, Zhang, Guna Lakshminarayanan, Hakan Inan, Hamid Shojanazeri, Han Zou, Hannah Wang, Hanwen Zha, Haroun Habeeb, Harrison Rudolph, Helen Suk, Henry Aspegren, Hunter Goldman, Hongyuan Zhan, Ibrahim Damlaj, Igor Molybog, Igor Tufanov, Ilias Leontiadis, Irina-Elena Veliche, Itai Gat, Jake Weissman, James Geboski, James Kohli, Janice Lam, Japhet Asher, Jean-Baptiste Gaya, Jeff Marcus, Jeff Tang, Jennifer Chan, Jenny Zhen, Jeremy Reizenstein, Jeremy Teboul, Jessica Zhong, Jian Jin, Jingyi Yang, Joe Cummings, Jon Carvill, Jon Shepard, Jonathan McPhie, Jonathan Torres, Josh Ginsburg, Junjie Wang, Kai Wu, Kam Hou U, Karan Saxena, Kartikay Khandelwal, Katayoun Zand, Kathy Matosich, Kaushik Veeraraghavan, Kelly Michelena, Keqian Li, Kiran Jagadeesh, Kun Huang, Kunal Chawla, Kyle Huang, Lailin Chen, Lakshya Garg, Lavender A, Leandro Silva, Lee Bell, Lei Zhang, Liangpeng Guo, Licheng Yu, Liron Moshkovich, Luca Wehrstedt, Madian Khabsa, Manav Avalani, Manish Bhatt, Martynas Mankus, Matan Hasson, Matthew Lennie, Matthias Reso, Maxim Groshev, Maxim Naumov, Maya Lathi, Meghan Keneally, Miao Liu, Michael L. Seltzer, Michal Valko, Michelle Restrepo, Mihir Patel, Mik Vyatskov, Mikayel Samvelyan, Mike Clark, Mike Macey, Mike Wang, Miquel Jubert Hermoso, Mo Metanat, Mohammad Rastegari, Munish Bansal, Nandhini Santhanam, Natascha Parks, Natasha White, Navyata Bawa, Nayan Singhal, Nick Egebo, Nicolas Usunier, Nikhil Mehta, Nikolay Pavlovich Laptev, Ning Dong, Norman Cheng, Oleg Chernoguz, Olivia Hart, Omkar Salpekar, Ozlem Kalinli, Parkin Kent, Parth Parekh, Paul Saab, Pavan Balaji, Pedro Rittner, Philip Bontrager, Pierre Roux, Piotr Dollar, Polina Zvyagina, Prashant Ratanchandani, Pritish Yuvraj, Qian Liang, Rachad Alao, Rachel Rodriguez, Rafi Ayub, Raghotham Murthy, Raghu Nayani, Rahul Mitra, Rangaprabhu Parthasarathy, Raymond Li, Rebekkah Hogan, Robin Battey, Rocky Wang, Russ Howes, Ruty Rinott, Sachin Mehta, Sachin Siby, Sai Jayesh Bondu, Samyak Datta, Sara Chugh, Sara Hunt, Sargun Dhillon, Sasha Sidorov, Satadru Pan, Saurabh Mahajan, Saurabh Verma, Seiji Yamamoto, Sharadh Ramaswamy, Shaun Lindsay, Sheng Feng, Shenghao Lin, Shengxin Cindy Zha, Shishir Patil, Shiva Shankar, Shuqiang Zhang, Sinong Wang, Sneha Agarwal, Soji Sajuyigbe, Soumith Chintala, Stephanie Max, Stephen Chen, Steve Kehoe, Steve Satterfield, Sudarshan Govindaprasad, Sumit Gupta, Summer Deng, Sungmin Cho, Sunny Virk, Suraj Subramanian, Sy Choudhury, Sydney Goldman, Tal Remez, Tamar Glaser, Tamara Best, Thilo Koehler, Thomas Robinson, Tianhe Li, Tianjun Zhang, Tim Matthews, Timothy Chou, Tzook Shaked, Varun Vontimitta, Victoria Ajayi, Victoria Montanez, Vijai Mohan, Vinay Satish Kumar, Vishal Mangla, Vlad Ionescu, Vlad Poenaru, Vlad Tiberiu Mihailescu, Vladimir Ivanov, Wei Li, Wenchen Wang, WenWen Jiang, Wes Bouaziz, Will Constable, Xiaocheng Tang, Xiaojian Wu, Xiaolan Wang, Xilun Wu, Xinbo Gao, Yaniv Kleinman, Yanjun Chen, Ye Hu, Ye Jia, Ye Qi, Yenda Li, Yilin Zhang, Ying Zhang, Yossi Adi, Youngjin Nam, Yu, Wang, Yu Zhao, Yuchen Hao, Yundi Qian, Yunlu Li, Yuzi He, Zach Rait, Zachary DeVito, Zef Rosnbrick, Zhaoduo Wen, Zhenyu Yang, Zhiwei Zhao, Zhiyu Ma
This paper presents a new set of foundation models, called Llama 3.
Ranked #3 on
Multi-task Language Understanding
no code implementations • 29 May 2024 • Kun Huang, FangLue Zhang, Neil Dodgson
The presence of spherical distortion on the Equirectangular image is an acknowledged challenge in dense regression computer vision tasks, such as surface normal estimation.
1 code implementation • 26 May 2024 • Kun Huang, Xiao Ma, Yuhan Zhang, Na Su, Songtao Yuan, Yong liu, Qiang Chen, Huazhu Fu
In tandem with autoencoders, we propose cascaded diffusion processes to synthesize high-resolution OCT volumes with a global-to-local refinement process, amortizing the memory and computational demands.
1 code implementation • 24 Jan 2024 • Qi Sun, Kun Huang, Xiaocui Yang, Rong Tong, Kun Zhang, Soujanya Poria
In this paper, we propose a Zero-shot Document-level Relation Triplet Extraction (ZeroDocRTE) framework, which generates labeled data by retrieval and denoising knowledge from LLMs, called GenRDK.
1 code implementation • 12 Jan 2024 • Wenyuan Zhang, Xinghua Zhang, Shiyao Cui, Kun Huang, Xuebin Wang, Tingwen Liu
Aspect sentiment quad prediction (ASQP) aims to predict the quad sentiment elements for a given sentence, which is a critical task in the field of aspect-based sentiment analysis.
1 code implementation • 12 Dec 2023 • Xiao Ma, Zetian Zhang, Zexuan Ji, Kun Huang, Na Su, Songtao Yuan, Qiang Chen
Measurements of spherical equivalent and axial length are the gold standards for identifying high myopia, but the available image data for matching them is scarce.
1 code implementation • 27 Aug 2023 • Yang Wang, Zanyu Shi, Timothy Richardson, Kun Huang, Pathum Weerawarna, Yijie Wang
Due to the use of the chemical-substructure-based graph, it is guaranteed that any subgraphs in a drug identified by our SLGNN are chemically valid structures.
no code implementations • 24 Aug 2023 • Yachao Zhao, Bo wang, Dongming Zhao, Kun Huang, Yan Wang, Ruifang He, Yuexian Hou
We propose that this re-judge inconsistency can be similar to the inconsistency between human's unaware implicit social bias and their aware explicit social bias.
no code implementations • 12 Aug 2023 • Yuhan Zhang, Kun Huang, Mingchao Li, Songtao Yuan, Qiang Chen
We propose a single-horizon disease evolution network (SHENet) to predictively generate post-therapeutic SD-OCT images by inputting pre-therapeutic SD-OCT images with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD).
no code implementations • 21 Jun 2023 • Kun Huang, Linli Zhou, Shi Pu
Notably, both results are comparable to the convergence rates of centralized RR methods (up to constant factors depending on the network topology) and outperform those of previous distributed random reshuffling algorithms.
1 code implementation • 19 May 2023 • Yihong Tang, Bo wang, Miao Fang, Dongming Zhao, Kun Huang, Ruifang He, Yuexian Hou
We design a Contrastive Latent Variable-based model (CLV) that clusters the dense persona descriptions into sparse categories, which are combined with the history query to generate personalized responses.
1 code implementation • 18 May 2023 • Qi Sun, Kun Huang, Xiaocui Yang, Pengfei Hong, Kun Zhang, Soujanya Poria
Therefore, how to select effective pseudo labels to denoise DS data is still a challenge in document-level distant relation extraction.
no code implementations • 11 Apr 2023 • Xiaoqing Huang, Andersen Ang, Kun Huang, Jie Zhang, Yijie Wang
We study estimation of piecewise smooth signals over a graph.
no code implementations • 30 Jan 2023 • Kun Huang, Xiao Li, Shi Pu
Distributed stochastic optimization has drawn great attention recently due to its effectiveness in solving large-scale machine learning problems.
no code implementations • 14 Jan 2023 • Kun Huang, Shi Pu
In particular, to our knowledge, CEDAS enjoys so far the shortest transient time (with respect to the graph specifics) for achieving the convergence rate of centralized SGD, which behaves as $\mathcal{O}(n{C^3}/(1-\lambda_2)^{2})$ under smooth strongly convex objective functions, and $\mathcal{O}(n^3{C^6}/(1-\lambda_2)^4)$ under smooth nonconvex objective functions, where $(1-\lambda_2)$ denotes the spectral gap of the mixing matrix, and $C>0$ is the compression-related parameter.
no code implementations • 12 Jan 2023 • Yushan Qian, Bo wang, Shangzhao Ma, Wu Bin, Shuo Zhang, Dongming Zhao, Kun Huang, Yuexian Hou
Towards human-like dialogue systems, current emotional dialogue approaches jointly model emotion and semantics with a unified neural network.
1 code implementation • 17 Dec 2022 • Kun Huang, Edward S. Hu, Dinesh Jayaraman
Physical interactions can often help reveal information that is not readily apparent.
no code implementations • 5 Nov 2022 • Jinfeng Zhou, Bo wang, Minlie Huang, Dongming Zhao, Kun Huang, Ruifang He, Yuexian Hou
Human conversations of recommendation naturally involve the shift of interests which can align the recommendation actions and conversation process to make accurate recommendations with rich explanations.
no code implementations • 27 Jul 2022 • Yiheng Li, Connelly Barnes, Kun Huang, Fang-Lue Zhang
Optical flow computation is essential in the early stages of the video processing pipeline.
no code implementations • 7 May 2022 • Mingchao Li, Kun Huang, Zetian Zhang, Xiao Ma, Qiang Chen
This continuous process allows us to recommend high-quality vessel segmentation with clear caliber and topology.
1 code implementation • 2 Feb 2022 • Yifu Wang, Wenqing Jiang, Kun Huang, Sören Schwertfeger, Laurent Kneip
Multi-perspective cameras are quickly gaining importance in many applications such as smart vehicles and virtual or augmented reality.
no code implementations • 31 Dec 2021 • Kun Huang, Xiao Li, Andre Milzarek, Shi Pu, Junwen Qiu
We show that D-RR inherits favorable characteristics of RR for both smooth strongly convex and smooth nonconvex objective functions.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2021 • Andersen Ang, Jianzhu Ma, Nianjun Liu, Kun Huang, Yijie Wang
We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can produce a solution of the projection problem with high precision on large scale datasets, and the algorithm is able to significantly outperform the state-of-the-art methods in terms of runtime (about 6-8 times faster than a commercial software with respect to CPU time for input vector with 1 million variables or more).
no code implementations • ICLR 2022 • Edward S. Hu, Kun Huang, Oleh Rybkin, Dinesh Jayaraman
Training visual control policies from scratch on a new robot typically requires generating large amounts of robot-specific data.
1 code implementation • 19 Jul 2021 • Edward S. Hu, Kun Huang, Oleh Rybkin, Dinesh Jayaraman
Training visual control policies from scratch on a new robot typically requires generating large amounts of robot-specific data.
1 code implementation • 14 Jul 2021 • Kun Huang, Yifu Wang, Laurent Kneip
Camera calibration is an important prerequisite towards the solution of 3D computer vision problems.
no code implementations • 7 Jul 2021 • Yifu Wang, Jiaqi Yang, Xin Peng, Peng Wu, Ling Gao, Kun Huang, Jiaben Chen, Laurent Kneip
We present a new solution to tracking and mapping with an event camera.
no code implementations • 3 Jun 2021 • Ju Sun, Le Peng, Taihui Li, Dyah Adila, Zach Zaiman, Genevieve B. Melton, Nicholas Ingraham, Eric Murray, Daniel Boley, Sean Switzer, John L. Burns, Kun Huang, Tadashi Allen, Scott D. Steenburg, Judy Wawira Gichoya, Erich Kummerfeld, Christopher Tignanelli
Conclusions and Relevance: AI-based diagnostic tools may serve as an adjunct, but not replacement, for clinical decision support of COVID-19 diagnosis, which largely hinges on exposure history, signs, and symptoms.
no code implementations • 11 May 2021 • Kun Huang, Shi Pu
To the best of our knowledge, EDAS achieves the shortest transient time when the average of the $n$ cost functions is strongly convex and each cost function is smooth.
1 code implementation • 1 Apr 2021 • Andrew Price, Kun Huang, Dmitry Berenson
In this work, we propose Multihypothesis Segmentation Tracking (MST), a novel method for volumetric segmentation in changing scenes, which allows scene ambiguity to be tracked and our estimates to be adjusted over time as we interact with the scene.
7 code implementations • 14 Dec 2020 • Mingchao Li, Kun Huang, Qiuzhuo Xu, Jiadong Yang, Yuhan Zhang, Zexuan Ji, Keren Xie, Songtao Yuan, Qinghuai Liu, Qiang Chen
Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a novel imaging modality that has been widely utilized in ophthalmology and neuroscience studies to observe retinal vessels and microvascular systems.
no code implementations • 9 Aug 2020 • Zhi Huang, Paul Salama, Wei Shao, Jie Zhang, Kun Huang
Towards the goal of precision health and cancer treatments, the proposed algorithm can help understand and interpret high-dimensional heterogeneous genomics data with accurate identification of survival-associated gene clusters.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2018 • Kun Huang, Yifan Wang, Zihan Zhou, Tianjiao Ding, Shenghua Gao, Yi Ma
To this end, we have built a very large new dataset of over 5, 000 images with wireframes thoroughly labelled by humans.
no code implementations • 4 Mar 2020 • Tongxin Wang, Zhengming Ding, Wei Shao, Haixu Tang, Kun Huang
Domain Adaptation (DA) targets at adapting a model trained over the well-labeled source domain to the unlabeled target domain lying in different distributions.
no code implementations • 23 Jul 2019 • Lan Hu, Wanting Xu, Kun Huang, Laurent Kneip
In an effort to increase the capabilities of SLAM systems and produce object-level representations, the community increasingly investigates the imposition of higher-level priors into the estimation process.
no code implementations • CVPR 2019 • Kun Huang, Yifu Wang, Laurent Kneip
The planar motion of ground vehicles is often non-holonomic, which enables a solution of the two-view relative pose problem from a single point feature correspondence.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2019 • Ziheng Zhang, Zhengxin Li, Ning Bi, Jia Zheng, Jinlei Wang, Kun Huang, Weixin Luo, Yanyu Xu, Shenghua Gao
In this paper, we present a novel framework to detect line segments in man-made environments.