Search Results for author: Kun Zhan

Found 28 papers, 13 papers with code

Balanced 3DGS: Gaussian-wise Parallelism Rendering with Fine-Grained Tiling

no code implementations23 Dec 2024 Hao Gui, Lin Hu, Rui Chen, Mingxiao Huang, Yuxin Yin, Jin Yang, Yong Wu, Chen Liu, Zhongxu Sun, Xueyang Zhang, Kun Zhan

3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) is increasingly attracting attention in both academia and industry owing to its superior visual quality and rendering speed.

DrivingSphere: Building a High-fidelity 4D World for Closed-loop Simulation

no code implementations18 Nov 2024 Tianyi Yan, Dongming Wu, Wencheng Han, Junpeng Jiang, Xia Zhou, Kun Zhan, Cheng-Zhong Xu, Jianbing Shen

By providing a dynamic and realistic simulation environment, DrivingSphere enables comprehensive testing and validation of autonomous driving algorithms, ultimately advancing the development of more reliable autonomous cars.

Autonomous Driving Decision Making

DiVE: DiT-based Video Generation with Enhanced Control

no code implementations3 Sep 2024 Junpeng Jiang, Gangyi Hong, Lijun Zhou, Enhui Ma, Hengtong Hu, Xia Zhou, Jie Xiang, Fan Liu, Kaicheng Yu, Haiyang Sun, Kun Zhan, Peng Jia, Miao Zhang

Generating high-fidelity, temporally consistent videos in autonomous driving scenarios faces a significant challenge, e. g. problematic maneuvers in corner cases.

Autonomous Driving Video Generation

Lesion-aware network for diabetic retinopathy diagnosis

1 code implementation14 Aug 2024 Xue Xia, Kun Zhan, Yuming Fang, Wenhui Jiang, Fei Shen

To this end, we propose a CNN-based DR diagnosis network with attention mechanism involved, termed lesion-aware network, to better capture lesion information from imbalanced data.

Lesion Segmentation

Autonomous LLM-Enhanced Adversarial Attack for Text-to-Motion

no code implementations1 Aug 2024 Honglei Miao, Fan Ma, Ruijie Quan, Kun Zhan, Yi Yang

Despite growing interest in T2M, few methods focus on safeguarding these models against adversarial attacks, with existing work on text-to-image models proving insufficient for the unique motion domain.

Adversarial Text Motion Generation

High-Resolution Cloud Detection Network

1 code implementation10 Jul 2024 Jingsheng Li, Tianxiang Xue, Jiayi Zhao, Jingmin Ge, Yufang Min, Wei Su, Kun Zhan

The complexity of clouds, particularly in terms of texture detail at high resolutions, has not been well explored by most existing cloud detection networks.

Cloud Detection

Structure-Aware Consensus Network on Graphs with Few Labeled Nodes

no code implementations2 Jul 2024 Shuaike Xu, Xiaolin Zhang, Peng Zhang, Kun Zhan

Secondly, SACN uniquely integrates the graph's structural information to achieve strong-to-strong consensus learning, improving the utilization of unlabeled data while maintaining multiview learning.

Graph Neural Network Multiview Learning +2

3DRealCar: An In-the-wild RGB-D Car Dataset with 360-degree Views

no code implementations7 Jun 2024 Xiaobiao Du, Haiyang Sun, Shuyun Wang, Zhuojie Wu, Hongwei Sheng, Jiaying Ying, Ming Lu, Tianqing Zhu, Kun Zhan, Xin Yu

(1) \textbf{High-Volume}: 2, 500 cars are meticulously scanned by 3D scanners, obtaining car images and point clouds with real-world dimensions; (2) \textbf{High-Quality}: Each car is captured in an average of 200 dense, high-resolution 360-degree RGB-D views, enabling high-fidelity 3D reconstruction; (3) \textbf{High-Diversity}: The dataset contains various cars from over 100 brands, collected under three distinct lighting conditions, including reflective, standard, and dark.

3D Reconstruction

Unleashing Generalization of End-to-End Autonomous Driving with Controllable Long Video Generation

no code implementations3 Jun 2024 Enhui Ma, Lijun Zhou, Tao Tang, Zhan Zhang, Dong Han, Junpeng Jiang, Kun Zhan, Peng Jia, Xianpeng Lang, Haiyang Sun, Di Lin, Kaicheng Yu

Instead of randomly generating new data, we further design a sampling policy to let Delphi generate new data that are similar to those failure cases to improve the sample efficiency.

Autonomous Driving Video Generation

InfoMatch: Entropy Neural Estimation for Semi-Supervised Image Classification

1 code implementation17 Apr 2024 Qi Han, Zhibo Tian, Chengwei Xia, Kun Zhan

To address this, we employ information entropy neural estimation to utilize the potential of unlabeled samples.

Contrastive Learning Semi-Supervised Image Classification

TOD3Cap: Towards 3D Dense Captioning in Outdoor Scenes

1 code implementation28 Mar 2024 Bu Jin, Yupeng Zheng, Pengfei Li, Weize Li, Yuhang Zheng, Sujie Hu, Xinyu Liu, Jinwei Zhu, Zhijie Yan, Haiyang Sun, Kun Zhan, Peng Jia, Xiaoxiao Long, Yilun Chen, Hao Zhao

However, the exploration of 3D dense captioning in outdoor scenes is hindered by two major challenges: 1) the domain gap between indoor and outdoor scenes, such as dynamics and sparse visual inputs, makes it difficult to directly adapt existing indoor methods; 2) the lack of data with comprehensive box-caption pair annotations specifically tailored for outdoor scenes.

3D dense captioning Dense Captioning

DriveVLM: The Convergence of Autonomous Driving and Large Vision-Language Models

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Xiaoyu Tian, Junru Gu, Bailin Li, Yicheng Liu, Yang Wang, Zhiyong Zhao, Kun Zhan, Peng Jia, Xianpeng Lang, Hang Zhao

A primary hurdle of autonomous driving in urban environments is understanding complex and long-tail scenarios, such as challenging road conditions and delicate human behaviors.

Autonomous Driving Scene Understanding +1

Street Gaussians: Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes with Gaussian Splatting

2 code implementations2 Jan 2024 Yunzhi Yan, Haotong Lin, Chenxu Zhou, Weijie Wang, Haiyang Sun, Kun Zhan, Xianpeng Lang, Xiaowei Zhou, Sida Peng

Recent methods extend NeRF by incorporating tracked vehicle poses to animate vehicles, enabling photo-realistic view synthesis of dynamic urban street scenes.

Autonomous Driving Object

Self-Contrastive Graph Diffusion Network

1 code implementation27 Jul 2023 Yixian Ma, Kun Zhan

AttM aggregates higher-order structure and feature information to get an excellent embedding, while DiFM balances the state of each node in the graph through Laplacian diffusion learning and allows the cooperative evolution of adjacency and feature information in the graph.

Contrastive Learning

Improving Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Dual-Level Siamese Structure Network

1 code implementation26 Jul 2023 Zhibo Tain, Xiaolin Zhang, Peng Zhang, Kun Zhan

Semi-supervised semantic segmentation (SSS) is an important task that utilizes both labeled and unlabeled data to reduce expenses on labeling training examples.

Contrastive Learning Pseudo Label +1

Entropy Neural Estimation for Graph Contrastive Learning

1 code implementation26 Jul 2023 Yixuan Ma, Xiaolin Zhang, Peng Zhang, Kun Zhan

In this paper, we theoretically illustrate that the entropy of a dataset can be approximated by maximizing the lower bound of the mutual information across different views of a graph, \ie, entropy is estimated by a neural network.

Contrastive Learning

Curriculum Knowledge Switching for Pancreas Segmentation

1 code implementation22 Jun 2023 Yumou Tang, Kun Zhan, Zhibo Tian, Mingxuan Zhang, Saisai Wang, Xueming Wen

Pancreas segmentation is challenging due to the small proportion and highly changeable anatomical structure.

Pancreas Segmentation Segmentation

Stationary Diffusion State Neural Estimation for Multiview Clustering

1 code implementation2 Dec 2021 Chenghua Liu, Zhuolin Liao, Yixuan Ma, Kun Zhan

Meanwhile, instead of using auto-encoder in most unsupervised learning graph neural networks, SDSNE uses a co-supervised strategy with structure information to supervise the model learning.

Clustering Graph Neural Network +2

Graph View-Consistent Learning Network

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Zhuolin Liao, Kun Zhan

The supervised loss uses the known labeled set, while a view-consistent loss is applied to the two views to obtain the consistent representation and a pseudo-label loss is designed by using the common high-confidence predictions.

Node Classification Pseudo Label

Dual Graph Complementary Network

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Chenhua Liu, Kun Zhan

We use two different branches, and inputs of the two branches are the same, which are composed of structure and feature information.

Representation Learning

Mutual Teaching for Graph Convolutional Networks

1 code implementation2 Sep 2020 Kun Zhan, Chaoxi Niu

We propose a new training method named as mutual teaching, i. e., we train dual models and let them teach each other during each batch.

Node Classification Pseudo Label

Generative approach to unsupervised deep local learning

1 code implementation19 Jun 2019 Changlu Chen, Chaoxi Niu, Xia Zhan, Kun Zhan

Based on the pretrained model and the constructed graph, we add a self-expressive layer to complete the generative model and then fine-tune it with a new loss function, including the reconstruction loss and a deliberately defined locality-preserving loss.


EraseReLU: A Simple Way to Ease the Training of Deep Convolution Neural Networks

no code implementations22 Sep 2017 Xuanyi Dong, Guoliang Kang, Kun Zhan, Yi Yang

For most state-of-the-art architectures, Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) becomes a standard component accompanied with each layer.

Blocking Image Classification

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