no code implementations • 8 Feb 2021 • Rajibul Shaikh, Kunal Pal, Kuntal Pal, Tapobrata Sarkar
We conclude that these black hole alternatives having $r_0$ below this maximum range (i. e. $r_0\leq r_{0, max}$) is consistent with the size and deviation from circularity of the observed shadow of M87$^{*}$.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology High Energy Physics - Theory
no code implementations • 14 Jan 2021 • Sandip Chowdhury, Kunal Pal, Kuntal Pal, Tapobrata Sarkar
The approach to incorporate quantum effects in gravity by replacing free particle geodesics with Bohmian non-geodesic trajectories has an equivalent description in terms of a conformally related geometry, where the motion is force free, with the quantum effects inside the conformal factor, i. e., in the geometry itself.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology High Energy Physics - Theory Quantum Physics
no code implementations • 16 Oct 2014 • Anupam Trivedi, Kunal Pal, Chiranjib Saha, Dipti Srinivasan
The unit commitment (UC) problem is a nonlinear, high-dimensional, highly constrained, mixed-integer power system optimization problem and is generally solved in the literature considering minimizing the system operation cost as the only objective.
no code implementations • 14 Oct 2014 • Debdipta Goswami, Chiranjib Saha, Kunal Pal, Swagatam Das
Principle of Swarm Intelligence has recently found widespread application in formation control and automated tracking by the automated multi-agent system.