Search Results for author: Kyle Miller

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

Kernel Density Decision Trees

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Jack Henry Good, Kyle Miller, Artur Dubrawski

FDTs address the sensitivity and tendency to overfitting of decision trees by representing uncertainty through fuzzy partitions.

Density Estimation

Robust Multi-view Representation Learning

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Sibi Venkatesan, Kyle Miller, Artur Dubrawski

Our synthetic and real-world experiments show promising results for the application of these models to robust representation learning.

Representation Learning Self-Driving Cars

System-Level Predictive Maintenance: Review of Research Literature and Gap Analysis

no code implementations11 May 2020 Kyle Miller, Artur Dubrawski

This paper reviews current literature in the field of predictive maintenance from the system point of view.

Mutually Regressive Point Processes

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Ifigeneia Apostolopoulou, Scott Linderman, Kyle Miller, Artur Dubrawski

Despite many potential applications, existing point process models are limited in their ability to capture complex patterns of interaction.

Bayesian Inference Point Processes

L-space knots with tunnel number >1 by experiment

no code implementations2 Sep 2019 Chris Anderson, Kenneth L. Baker, Xinghua Gao, Marc Kegel, Khanh Le, Kyle Miller, Sinem Onaran, Geoffrey Sangston, Samuel Tripp, Adam Wood, Ana Wright

In Dunfield's catalog of the hyperbolic manifolds in the SnapPy census which are complements of L-space knots in $S^3$, we determine that $22$ have tunnel number $2$ while the remaining all have tunnel number $1$.

Geometric Topology 57M25

Noise-Tolerant Interactive Learning Using Pairwise Comparisons

no code implementations NeurIPS 2017 Yichong Xu, Hongyang Zhang, Kyle Miller, Aarti Singh, Artur Dubrawski

We study the problem of interactively learning a binary classifier using noisy labeling and pairwise comparison oracles, where the comparison oracle answers which one in the given two instances is more likely to be positive.

Characterization of Hemodynamic Signal by Learning Multi-View Relationships

no code implementations17 Sep 2017 Eric Lei, Kyle Miller, Michael R. Pinsky, Artur Dubrawski

We aim to investigate the usefulness of nonlinear multi-view relations to characterize multi-view data in an explainable manner.


Noise-Tolerant Interactive Learning from Pairwise Comparisons

no code implementations19 Apr 2017 Yichong Xu, Hongyang Zhang, Aarti Singh, Kyle Miller, Artur Dubrawski

We study the problem of interactively learning a binary classifier using noisy labeling and pairwise comparison oracles, where the comparison oracle answers which one in the given two instances is more likely to be positive.

Performance Bounds for Pairwise Entity Resolution

no code implementations10 Sep 2015 Matt Barnes, Kyle Miller, Artur Dubrawski

One significant challenge to scaling entity resolution algorithms to massive datasets is understanding how performance changes after moving beyond the realm of small, manually labeled reference datasets.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Entity Resolution

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