no code implementations • 3 Oct 2024 • Long Le, Jason Xie, William Liang, Hung-Ju Wang, Yue Yang, Yecheng Jason Ma, Kyle Vedder, Arjun Krishna, Dinesh Jayaraman, Eric Eaton
Interactive 3D simulated objects are crucial in AR/VR, animations, and robotics, driving immersive experiences and advanced automation.
no code implementations • 2 Oct 2024 • Kyle Vedder, Neehar Peri, Ishan Khatri, Siyi Li, Eric Eaton, Mehmet Kocamaz, Yue Wang, Zhiding Yu, Deva Ramanan, Joachim Pehserl
We reframe scene flow as the task of estimating a continuous space-time ODE that describes motion for an entire observation sequence, represented with a neural prior.
2 code implementations • 7 Mar 2024 • Ishan Khatri, Kyle Vedder, Neehar Peri, Deva Ramanan, James Hays
Current scene flow methods broadly fail to describe motion on small objects, and current scene flow evaluation protocols hide this failure by averaging over many points, with most drawn larger objects.
1 code implementation • 17 May 2023 • Kyle Vedder, Neehar Peri, Nathaniel Chodosh, Ishan Khatri, Eric Eaton, Dinesh Jayaraman, Yang Liu, Deva Ramanan, James Hays
Scene flow estimation is the task of describing the 3D motion field between temporally successive point clouds.
Ranked #2 on Self-supervised Scene Flow Estimation on Argoverse 2 (using extra training data)
no code implementations • 18 Jan 2023 • Megan M. Baker, Alexander New, Mario Aguilar-Simon, Ziad Al-Halah, Sébastien M. R. Arnold, Ese Ben-Iwhiwhu, Andrew P. Brna, Ethan Brooks, Ryan C. Brown, Zachary Daniels, Anurag Daram, Fabien Delattre, Ryan Dellana, Eric Eaton, Haotian Fu, Kristen Grauman, Jesse Hostetler, Shariq Iqbal, Cassandra Kent, Nicholas Ketz, Soheil Kolouri, George Konidaris, Dhireesha Kudithipudi, Erik Learned-Miller, Seungwon Lee, Michael L. Littman, Sandeep Madireddy, Jorge A. Mendez, Eric Q. Nguyen, Christine D. Piatko, Praveen K. Pilly, Aswin Raghavan, Abrar Rahman, Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan, Neale Ratzlaff, Andrea Soltoggio, Peter Stone, Indranil Sur, Zhipeng Tang, Saket Tiwari, Kyle Vedder, Felix Wang, Zifan Xu, Angel Yanguas-Gil, Harel Yedidsion, Shangqun Yu, Gautam K. Vallabha
Despite the advancement of machine learning techniques in recent years, state-of-the-art systems lack robustness to "real world" events, where the input distributions and tasks encountered by the deployed systems will not be limited to the original training context, and systems will instead need to adapt to novel distributions and tasks while deployed.
3 code implementations • 12 Jun 2021 • Kyle Vedder, Eric Eaton
Bird's Eye View (BEV) is a popular representation for processing 3D point clouds, and by its nature is fundamentally sparse.