Search Results for author: Kyung-Su Kim

Found 16 papers, 6 papers with code

AI-based computer-aided diagnostic system of chest digital tomography synthesis: Demonstrating comparative advantage with X-ray-based AI systems

1 code implementation18 Jun 2022 Kyung-Su Kim, Ju Hwan Lee, Seong Je Oh, Myung Jin Chung

The proposed CDTS-based AI CAD system yielded sensitivities of 0. 782 and 0. 785 and accuracies of 0. 895 and 0. 837 for the performance of detecting tuberculosis and pneumonia, respectively, against normal subjects.

Lesion Detection

3D unsupervised anomaly detection and localization through virtual multi-view projection and reconstruction: Clinical validation on low-dose chest computed tomography

1 code implementation18 Jun 2022 Kyung-Su Kim, Seong Je Oh, Ju Hwan Lee, Myung Jin Chung

The proposed method based on unsupervised learning improves the patient-level anomaly detection by 10% (area under the curve, 0. 959) compared with a gold standard based on supervised learning (area under the curve, 0. 848), and it localizes the anomaly region with 93% accuracy, demonstrating its high performance.

Computed Tomography (CT) Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Automated Precision Localization of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Tip through Model-Agnostic Multi-Stage Networks

1 code implementation14 Jun 2022 Subin Park, Yoon Ki Cha, Soyoung Park, Kyung-Su Kim, Myung Jin Chung

In internal validation, when MFCN was applied to the existing single model, MFP was improved by an average of 45%.

Discovery of an insulating ferromagnetic phase of electrons in two dimensions

no code implementations25 Jan 2021 Kyung-Su Kim, Steven A. Kivelson

This is a commentary on two papers (PNAS 117 (51) 32244-32250 (2020) and arXiv:2011. 06721), which observed a series of ordering transitions in a strongly correlated two-dimensional electron system confined to a AlAs quantum well.

Strongly Correlated Electrons Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics Materials Science

Modality Shifting Attention Network for Multi-modal Video Question Answering

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Junyeong Kim, Minuk Ma, Trung Pham, Kyung-Su Kim, Chang D. Yoo

To this end, MSAN is based on (1) the moment proposal network (MPN) that attempts to locate the most appropriate temporal moment from each of the modalities, and also on (2) the heterogeneous reasoning network (HRN) that predicts the answer using an attention mechanism on both modalities.

Question Answering Temporal Localization +1

Compressed Sensing via Measurement-Conditional Generative Models

no code implementations2 Jul 2020 Kyung-Su Kim, Jung Hyun Lee, Eunho Yang

A pre-trained generator has been frequently adopted in compressed sensing (CS) due to its ability to effectively estimate signals with the prior of NNs.

A Revision of Neural Tangent Kernel-based Approaches for Neural Networks

no code implementations2 Jul 2020 Kyung-Su Kim, Aurélie C. Lozano, Eunho Yang

(2) A generalization error bound invariant of network size was derived by using a data-dependent complexity measure (CMD).

Few-Shot Learning Learning Theory

Unifying Activation- and Timing-based Learning Rules for Spiking Neural Networks

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Jinseok Kim, Kyung-Su Kim, Jae-Joon Kim

For the gradient computation across the time domain in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) training, two different approaches have been independently studied.

BinaryDuo: Reducing Gradient Mismatch in Binary Activation Network by Coupling Binary Activations

1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Hyungjun Kim, Kyung-Su Kim, Jinseok Kim, Jae-Joon Kim

Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) have been garnering interest thanks to their compute cost reduction and memory savings.

Gaining Extra Supervision via Multi-task learning for Multi-Modal Video Question Answering

no code implementations28 May 2019 Junyeong Kim, Minuk Ma, Kyung-Su Kim, Sungjin Kim, Chang D. Yoo

This paper proposes a method to gain extra supervision via multi-task learning for multi-modal video question answering.

Inductive Bias Metric Learning +5

Progressive Attention Memory Network for Movie Story Question Answering

no code implementations CVPR 2019 Junyeong Kim, Minuk Ma, Kyung-Su Kim, Sungjin Kim, Chang D. Yoo

To overcome these challenges, PAMN involves three main features: (1) progressive attention mechanism that utilizes cues from both question and answer to progressively prune out irrelevant temporal parts in memory, (2) dynamic modality fusion that adaptively determines the contribution of each modality for answering the current question, and (3) belief correction answering scheme that successively corrects the prediction score on each candidate answer.

Question Answering Video Story QA +1

Fourier Phase Retrieval with Extended Support Estimation via Deep Neural Network

no code implementations3 Apr 2019 Kyung-Su Kim, Sae-Young Chung

We consider the problem of sparse phase retrieval from Fourier transform magnitudes to recover the $k$-sparse signal vector and its support $\mathcal{T}$.


Tree Search Network for Sparse Regression

no code implementations1 Apr 2019 Kyung-Su Kim, Sae-Young Chung

We consider the classical sparse regression problem of recovering a sparse signal $x_0$ given a measurement vector $y = \Phi x_0+w$.


Learning Not to Learn: Training Deep Neural Networks with Biased Data

4 code implementations CVPR 2019 Byungju Kim, Hyunwoo Kim, Kyung-Su Kim, Sungjin Kim, Junmo Kim

We propose a novel regularization algorithm to train deep neural networks, in which data at training time is severely biased.

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