Search Results for author: L. Andrea Dunbar

Found 9 papers, 3 papers with code

PriPHiT: Privacy-Preserving Hierarchical Training of Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations9 Aug 2024 Yamin Sepehri, Pedram Pad, Pascal Frossard, L. Andrea Dunbar

In this work, we propose a method to perform the training phase of a deep learning model on both an edge device and a cloud server that prevents sensitive content being transmitted to the cloud while retaining the desired information.

Deep Learning Privacy Preserving

Hierarchical Training of Deep Neural Networks Using Early Exiting

no code implementations4 Mar 2023 Yamin Sepehri, Pedram Pad, Ahmet Caner Yüzügüler, Pascal Frossard, L. Andrea Dunbar

In this study, a novel hierarchical training method for deep neural networks is proposed that uses early exits in a divided architecture between edge and cloud workers to reduce the communication cost, training runtime and privacy concerns.

Optimizing the Consumption of Spiking Neural Networks with Activity Regularization

no code implementations4 Apr 2022 Simon Narduzzi, Siavash A. Bigdeli, Shih-Chii Liu, L. Andrea Dunbar

Reducing energy consumption is a critical point for neural network models running on edge devices.

Privacy-Preserving Image Acquisition Using Trainable Optical Kernel

no code implementations28 Jun 2021 Yamin Sepehri, Pedram Pad, Pascal Frossard, L. Andrea Dunbar

Also, in contrast with the previous optical privacy-preserving methods that cannot be trained, our method is data-driven and optimized for the specific application at hand.

Attribute Privacy Preserving

Leveraging Spatial and Photometric Context for Calibrated Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo

1 code implementation22 Mar 2021 David Honzátko, Engin Türetken, Pascal Fua, L. Andrea Dunbar

The problem of estimating a surface shape from its observed reflectance properties still remains a challenging task in computer vision.

Efficient Blind-Spot Neural Network Architecture for Image Denoising

no code implementations25 Aug 2020 David Honzátko, Siavash A. Bigdeli, Engin Türetken, L. Andrea Dunbar

Standard denoising techniques, which use deep neural networks at their core, require pairs of clean and noisy images for its training.

Image Denoising

Learning Generative Models using Denoising Density Estimators

2 code implementations8 Jan 2020 Siavash A. Bigdeli, Geng Lin, Tiziano Portenier, L. Andrea Dunbar, Matthias Zwicker

Learning probabilistic models that can estimate the density of a given set of samples, and generate samples from that density, is one of the fundamental challenges in unsupervised machine learning.

Denoising Density Estimation

Image Restoration using Plug-and-Play CNN MAP Denoisers

1 code implementation18 Dec 2019 Siavash Bigdeli, David Honzátko, Sabine Süsstrunk, L. Andrea Dunbar

Plug-and-play denoisers can be used to perform generic image restoration tasks independent of the degradation type.

Image Denoising Image Restoration

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