Search Results for author: L. Mahadevan

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Hamiltonian bridge: A physics-driven generative framework for targeted pattern control

no code implementations16 Oct 2024 Vishaal Krishnan, Sumit Sinha, L. Mahadevan

Patterns arise spontaneously in a range of systems spanning the sciences, and their study typically focuses on mechanisms to understand their evolution in space-time.

Non-planar snake gaits: from Stigmatic-starts to Sidewinding

no code implementations26 Mar 2023 N. Charles, R. Chelakkot, M. Gazzola, B. Young, L. Mahadevan

All together, our characterization of a novel escape strategy in snakes highlights the role of topology in locomotion, provides a phase diagram for mode feasibility as a function of body size, and suggests a role for the S-start in the evolution of sidewinding.

Optimal intercellular competition in senescence and cancer

no code implementations7 Nov 2022 Thomas C. T. Michaels, L. Mahadevan

Effective multicellularity requires both cooperation and competition between constituent cells.

Models of benthic bipedalism

no code implementations2 Sep 2020 F. Giardina, L. Mahadevan

Walking is a common bipedal and quadrupedal gait and is often associated with terrestrial and aquatic organisms.

Flow-driven branching in a frangible porous medium

1 code implementation6 Jul 2020 Nicholas J. Derr, David C. Fronk, Christoph A. Weber, Amala Mahadevan, Chris H. Rycroft, L. Mahadevan

Channel formation and branching is widely seen in physical systems where movement of fluid through a porous structure causes the spatiotemporal evolution of the medium in response to the flow, in turn causing flow pathways to evolve.

Fluid Dynamics Soft Condensed Matter 76S05 (Primary) 92C15 (Secondary)

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